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    Re: Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer

    Posted by An Obama in Virginia on 3/04/08

    And tell us about yourself, Pete. Are you an Obama or a Caucasian? Will be nice
    when the number one Obama gets elected president, and then he can appoint all
    us other Obamas to office. I hope Jessie Jackson gets to be Secretary of State.

    Obama in VA

    On 1/30/07, Pete Burge wrote:
    > You are such a liar Hardy Parkerson. The internet is
    > littered with your shenannagans. My cousin was represented
    > by you and you were the worst lawyer ever. I wouldn't
    > recomend this quack to anyone. Nice description
    > as "seasoned." I guess if you practice law for 40 years,
    > you can claim to be seasoned, but seasoned in this context
    > by no means implies competence.
    > On 12/21/06, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles, LA
    > wrote:
    >> Tabatha's Interview Questions
    >> And Hardy Parkerson's Answers
    >> Hey, I am a 15 year old girl. I have wanted to be a
    >> Domestic Lawyer since I was 10. I have practically my
    >> whole future planned out; well at least the parts that
    >> have to do with my career. I have wanted to interview a
    >> Lawyer for years, but just didn't know how. Well now I
    >> HAVE to interview one for school, my Career Information
    >> if you wouldn't mind answering the following
    >> questions: (I would appreciate it sooooooo much; it would
    >> mean the world to me to interview you.)
    >> What type of Lawyer are you?
    >> I am a sole practitioner and a generalist. I handle all
    >> kinds of cases. There is not much that I don't handle that
    >> an average person would want a lawyer for. I do land
    >> matters, probate matters, criminal matters, civil damage
    >> suits; you name it, I probably do it. Mostly, however, I
    >> handle criminal cases and automobile accident cases and
    >> other types of personal injury cases.
    >> How much schooling did you need to hold the position that
    >> you hold today?
    >> Graduating from law school so that one can gain admission
    >> to the Bar takes seven years, as a general rule. It takes
    >> four years to get a bachelor's degree, and then three
    >> years of law school. It's not easy, but it is very
    >> possible. Before I started to law school, a lawyer here in
    >> town described it to me as an "endurance contest." That's
    >> pretty much true. Just put in your time and do your work,
    >> and you will make it. College can be fun. Law school is
    >> not necessarily so, but even that has its good times.
    >> Everybody studies in law school. Not necessarily so in
    >> undergraduate school. Law school is competitive.
    >> Undergraduate school is not necessarily so. There is more
    >> to it all than this, but this is something to think about.
    >> Where did you go to school, high school, college and Law?
    >> I graduated from Lake Charles High School, a public school
    >> in Lake Charles, Louisiana; then graduated from McNeese
    >> State University, a public college in Lake Charles; and
    >> then I graduated from Tulane School of Law, a division of
    >> Tulane University of Louisiana in New Orleans.
    >> What did you major in?
    >> In undergraduate college I majored in Social Studies. That
    >> includes a lot of everything and not much of anything. It
    >> included some math (2 semesters), a lot of history, a lot
    >> of English, some French (5 semesters), some philosophy,
    >> some government, some art (one semester), some art-history
    >> (one semester), a lot of sociology, some speech courses
    >> (three or four), some economics and some science (two
    >> semesters - Botany and Biology) courses. As I say, a lot
    >> of everything, but not much of anything, except English,
    >> history and sociology. In those days a B.A. degree
    >> consisted of 120 semester hours, four years or eight
    >> semesters of at least 15 hours each semester.
    >> What did you study?
    >> Well, looks like I have pretty much answered this one in
    >> my answer to the previous question.
    >> How were you trained?
    >> Law requires no internship nor prior training prior to
    >> taking the Bar Exam and becoming admitted to practice law.
    >> You learn law by On Job Training (OJT). You learn by
    >> doing. It's the blind leading he blind. Not ideal, as I
    >> see it; but that is the way it is. One summer between my
    >> second and third years of law school I did work in a law
    >> firm as a law clerk, and I learned much law and how to
    >> practice it there. However, law school hardly teaches you
    >> the way to the courthouse as a practical matter. The
    >> matter of learning how to practice law comes after one is
    >> admitted to the Bar and begins to practice law. That's why
    >> they call it "practice"; I suppose, for one never really
    >> learns it fully. He is always getting ready to play the
    >> game, always practicing for the game to be played.
    >> How did you get interested in becoming a lawyer?
    >> As a young person I saw lots of injustices, and I knew
    >> that being a lawyer would help me right some of the wrongs
    >> I saw. I did not want to be powerless against the bullies
    >> that I saw who ran things, like school administrators and
    >> businessmen and cops. I wanted to be able to bring justice
    >> into situations where justice had been denied, where
    >> people had been treated unfairly and unjustly.
    >> What do you like and dislike about your job?
    >> I dislike always being threatened with disciplinary action
    >> if I do anything that displeases somebody. The so-called
    >> ethical rules are so stringent that a lawyer is afraid to
    >> pass his card to a potential client, lest he be haled
    >> before the Office of Disciplinary Counsel ("Bar Police")
    >> to answer charges of unethical conduct, and be threatened
    >> with disbarment, suspension or public or private censure.
    >> It's a phony system, the so-called ethics set-up. It's big
    >> business for lawyers who do not want to practice law, but
    >> who would rather make their livings taking away the right
    >> of other lawyers to practice law. I've got an attitude
    >> about it, I'll admit! Probably not as bad as I am making
    >> it sound, but there is a lot of truth in what I am saying.
    >> Nowadays, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel even has a
    >> web-site where any unhappy client can download a form and
    >> file a complaint against a lawyer; and the lawyer is
    >> presumed guilty until he proves his innocence; and the ODC
    >> keeps a permanent file on the lawyer, and no matter how
    >> many times he is cleared of such charges, they keep all
    >> the paper and in future cases decide cases on what I call
    >> the "thickness of file" theory: the thicker a lawyer's
    >> file is, the more guilty he is presumed to me. That is one
    >> of the things I do not l like about law practice. There
    >> are some others, including clients who are always hitting
    >> on their lawyers for money. I thought when I became a
    >> lawyer people would come to me and pay me money. I find
    >> they come to me and want me to pay them. Especially
    >> personal injury clients. And if you don't, hey! they fire
    >> you and go to some other lawyer. So what you end up doing
    >> is placating them and giving them whatever you can get by
    >> with and then trying to settle their cases and get your
    >> money back, and at the same time make some money on their
    >> cases. There is much more to it all than this, but this is
    >> something to think about.
    >> What, if anything, would you do differently?
    >> I think if I had it all to do over, I would not become a
    >> lawyer; but when I was young, I wanted that more than
    >> anything else. I would probably have made a better
    >> football coach or school teacher or college professor, or
    >> even an engineer, or medical doctor. I did the best I
    >> could in college and law school, so there is not much I
    >> could have changed about that.
    >> What did you find difficult in high school?
    >> Nothing really, except I was only interested in sports; at
    >> least until my senior year. Then I got serious about
    >> school; for I had been told by my parents that I had to go
    >> to college, and I knew I must begin to get ready.
    >> What did you enjoy in high school?
    >> I enjoyed sports; and when I got to be a senior, I enjoyed
    >> government. I took two years of Latin in high school, for
    >> I had heard that one wanting to be a doctor should take
    >> Latin; and when I started high school, that was my
    >> ambition; but I quickly gave that thought up, when I found
    >> Latin difficult. I enjoyed taking typing in the old days;
    >> that was before the days of computers. I also enjoyed
    >> mechanical drawing (drafting). I never cracked a book that
    >> I remember until my senior year, and I managed to do all
    >> right in high school.
    >> How did what you learned in high school help you in your
    >> chosen career?
    >> All of it helped me. Looking back, I wish I had been a
    >> more serious student. In those days, all that mattered was
    >> football first, basketball second, baseball third, and
    >> track fourth. Nobody ever encouraged me, that I recall;
    >> even though I had wonderful parents. Looking back, I think
    >> that perhaps I had great potential, but did not know it.
    >> When I was a senior in high school, my English teacher
    >> called me to the front of the room and asked me, "Son, now
    >> that you are graduating from high school, what do you plan
    >> to do?" I said, "I would like to go to college, but I
    >> known I am not smart enough." She said, "Boy! What are you
    >> taking about! You're smart!" No one had ever told me that
    >> before that I remember. That encouraged me to do better in
    >> school like nothing before had ever encouraged me. Pretty
    >> much the same thing happened to me when I enrolled in
    >> college the day after I graduated from high school. My
    >> faculty advisor asked me what I wanted to major in. I
    >> said, "I would like to be a lawyer, but I know I am not
    >> smart enough." He said, "Boy! What are you taking about!
    >> The best lawyer in this town was the dumbest guy who ever
    >> went through this school: Nathan Cormier." Well, after
    >> forty-two years, Nathan Cormier is still the best lawyer
    >> in this town. Nothing ever encouraged me more to make an A
    >> than making an A; but making a D never encouraged me a
    >> bit. I know teachers can't give away grades, but that is a
    >> lesson some of them never learned.
    >> What does a firm look for when hiring?
    >> As a general rule, firms look for the guy or girl who is
    >> the highest up in the class. Law schools usually rate
    >> students from highest to the lowest. The higher you
    >> graduate in your class, the better chance you have of
    >> getting the job you desire. The lower you graduate, the
    >> less your chances are. There used to be an old joke in law
    >> school that said, "A students end up being law professors,
    >> B students end up being Judges, and C students end up
    >> making money." Another joke is, "What do they call the
    >> lowest man in his class in law school?" ANSWER: Lawyer.
    >> Just do the best you can! That's all you can do.
    >> What does a new lawyer usually make (money wise)?
    >> It's different for every lawyer. My first law firm job
    >> paid me $125.00 a week, and I was glad to get it. That was
    >> in 1967. That was not great money, even then; but, as I
    >> say, I was glad to have a job. I was worth about $25.00 a
    >> week. I have a young daughter-in-law who graduated high in
    >> her class at William and Mary Law School, and she is an in-
    >> house attorney for Norfolk-Southern Corporation in
    >> Norfolk. Just judging from her and my son's brand new home
    >> and the cars they drive, and knowing what he makes as a
    >> young Naval officer, I am sure she makes upwards of
    >> $100,000.00, or more. Not bad for a young person. Every
    >> person and legal job is different, and there is no
    >> uniformity about what lawyers make. It might be that a new
    >> lawyer would start out practicing law out of his or her
    >> car, or out of his or her living room, get a good case and
    >> make a million dollars the first year. Not likely, but
    >> possible. It's been done before many times. I like what
    >> Tom Wolfe says in YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN: "Pick out what
    >> you want in life, pay the price and take it!" What you
    >> make is up to you. Do the best you can in high school,
    >> then in college, then in law school; and you can make
    >> anything you want. The potential is there.
    >> What is the pay based on?
    >> Lawyers like me work generally on a percentage of what we
    >> collect on a personal injury case. I have heard of an
    >> annual high of $60,000,000.00 for a lawyer, and a low of
    >> minus-$250.00. I am the one who made the minus-$250.00;
    >> and my best year was one for which I reported $225,000.00
    >> of taxable income, after having deducted everything that I
    >> could dream up, and then some. The sky is the limit of
    >> what you can make, and then you can end up paying money to
    >> practice law. For me there are times when the money falls
    >> out of the sky and times when it costs me money to
    >> practice law. But I am not necessarily the typical lawyer.
    >> Law firms pay an annual negotiated salary, as a general
    >> rule; and then they may pay bonuses for exceptionally good
    >> years for the firm. There is a lot more to it all than
    >> this, but this is something to think about.
    >> What is/was the most difficult thing for you to
    >> learn/understand/be willing to sacrifice, etc. in you
    >> present job?
    >> I have never had a salary, except my first year or so of
    >> law practice. Ever since then, I have been a sole
    >> practitioner, and it has been up to me to make it or break
    >> it. My wife is a school teacher, and she always had a
    >> salary, a check she could count on on a regular basis. No
    >> so for me! As I said, one year I made a cool, clear
    >> taxable $225,000; and I had one case that I did hardly
    >> anything on that paid me a fee of $94,000 for doing noting
    >> more than filing a petition. The potential is there, but
    >> there are no guarantees, especially for the private
    >> practice of law for the sole practitioner. I still say
    >> that Thomas Wolfe was right: "Pick out what you want in
    >> life, pay the price and take it." He got that from
    >> Emerson's essay on "Compensation." Read Thomas Wolfe,
    >> especially "YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAN."
    >> Of course, let me say this: The most important thing in
    >> life is God and your relationship to Him. Miss out on
    >> that, and you've failed; you've missed everything. Get
    >> that right, and you've accomplished all that is important.
    >> Yet we still have a life to live, and even God expects us
    >> to work and earn our way and to contribute to society and
    >> to help our fellow man; so I go back to the Thomas Wolfe
    >> principle: "Pick out what you want in life, pay the price
    >> and take it!" Again, there is more to it all than this,
    >> but this something to think about.
    >> What advice do you have for me, a high school student,
    >> looking to pursue a similar (or same) career?
    >> I've pretty much set it out for you above. Just go for it.
    >> Pick out what you want in life, pay the price and take it!
    >> But remember that the most important thing in life is God
    >> and your relationship to him. Make sure you do not go
    >> wrong there. Then the rest is lagniappe.
    >> I would appreciate if you answered ASAP....(sorry if I
    >> sound pushy....but I have a quick deadline on my paper....)
    >> Well, I answered quicker than I expected at first. I will
    >> also send you the questions and answers to the other
    >> internet interviews that I did with young high school
    >> students. I would like for you to let me know your name
    >> and address, and I would like for you to keep me advised
    >> as to how you do in high school; and I would like to
    >> receive an invitation to your high-school graduation so
    >> that I can send you a graduation gift. I recommend Sophie
    >> Newcomb College of Tulane University in New Orleans for an
    >> undergraduate degree, and then Tulane Law School, if you
    >> do not get into Harvard or Yale Law Schools. Best of luck!
    >> Thanks a Million!
    >> One day Domestic Lawyer,
    >> Tabatha

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer, 12/21/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles, LA.
  • Re: Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer, 1/30/07, by Pete Burge.
  • Re: Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer, 3/04/08, by An Obama in Virginia.
  • Re: Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer, 3/04/08, by An Obama in Virginia.
  • Re: Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer, 3/04/08, by An Obama in Virginia.
  • Re: Young Student Interviews Seasoned Lawyer, 3/04/08, by An Obama in Virginia.

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