Post: Re: Boycott The ACLU For Supporting Prison Rape
Posted by Under The Weather on 12/02/08
Intelligator wrote:
> They say "Love Or Hate The ACLU".
> Also, the ACLU will sell you out to any company like
> HUMANA the second that money or retaliation against
> heterosexual males becomes the issue.
Corvair Driver wrote:
>Are you talking about the same HUMANA whose founders
>were the original GLAAD members? The verbage has
>changed though their members and acronym haven't.
>GLAAD started out in 1965 as "The Gay Liberation Army
>Against Democracy" they are still listed under the
>original name on the military form DD398A which
>identifies those terrorist and other organizations
>which want to destroy civil rights in America
GLADD also called themselves the "West Coast Weathermen".
From 1965 until 1967 they blew up 4 Recruiting Offices
in San Francisco and several others were attributted
to them in California.
Also: HUMANA still has Bilboards and posters of
themselves aligned or heading the drug abuse organization
known as NORML. The NYC Subways and Porth Authority
Bus Terminal are filled with them. This activity has
existed since 1969.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: Boycott The ACLU For Supporting Prison Rape, 12/02/08, by Under The Weather.