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    Post: keep someone off property because of suspected drugs dealer

    Posted by l brown on 12/16/08

    Is it lawful for a bar owner to not want someone on their
    property because he knows he is being watched for suspected
    , and proven, drug activity. Also, can he tell the two
    businesses next door, who are his watch dogs, to also not
    let that individual on their properties and to call the
    police if they even see the vehicle in the area? Also, can
    the bar owner be spreading any kind of defamatory comments
    just to get these other businesses to not let the individual
    in the area? Can the bar owner be sending out emails to his
    so called friends, you squeel I squeel customers, not to
    have anything to do with this individual, in other words, he
    wants to turn the entire community against this individual
    just so this individual does not get in contact with anyone
    he makes contact with the fear that one of his people mite
    squeel. why do the police believe his lies, don't the
    police have to notify this individual of this guys words?

    this guy is soooo bad, but he makes himself look like the
    victim by spreading gossip and his drug buddies believe him.

    please help.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • keep someone off property because of suspected drugs dealer, 12/16/08, by l brown.
  • Re: keep someone off property because of suspected drugs dea, 1/10/09, by uns007.
  • Re: keep someone off property because of suspected drugs dea, 1/13/09, by Toronto personal injury.

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