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    Post: Predatory Mortgage Lending-Attorneys Wanted

    Posted by Thomas Martin on 7/03/07

    I am not an attorney, but I have the National Mortgage
    Complaint Center & could sure use some help in sending
    victims of predatory mortgage lending to law firms.
    Actually I need attorneys in every state. The most common
    problem I see as far as the victims are concerned is that
    the (typically) mortgage broker -bait & switched the
    consumer without a proper disclosure of a kick-back for
    increasing the borrowers interest rate--also known as
    a "yield spread premium". Every state litterally has tens
    to hundreds of thousands of victims to this.

    The cases are typically all the same (but a HUD October
    2001 Policy Statement made class treatment next to
    impossible),so they have to be done one at a time---even
    though the fact sets will almost always be the same. If
    anyone is interested it would be great to hear from you. Of
    the 75 million current US homeowners we estimate 70 million
    were cheated or over-charged when they got a mortgage.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Predatory Mortgage Lending-Attorneys Wanted, 7/03/07, by Thomas Martin.

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