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    Posted by Yvonna on 4/29/09

    On 4/29/09, Yvonna wrote:
    > Hello. My name is Yvonna McCarthy and on Friday the 24th
    > Doctor Jon Miller was suppose to take out an ingrown toenail
    > on the OUTSIDE of my LEFT TOE and burn it so it don't grow
    > back. Instead he took it out on the INSIDE of my LEFT TOE
    > and burnt it. I was there as well on the 17th to get checked
    > and the doctor gave me an Antibiotic for the infection. The
    > infection was and still is on the OUTSIDE of my left toe. I
    > went to the office and got a copy of my records from the
    > 17th and 24th. It says on the records on the day he did the
    > surgery that he took out the "LATERAL" part of my left toe.
    > I didn't know what "LATERAL" meant so I called the clinic
    > and the office told me that "LATERAL" means the nail on the
    > outside. So he did one thing and his records says another! I
    > know this is just a toenail BUT he DID mess up because he
    > did the surgery on the wrong side of my toe and the side he
    > did do the surgery on was fine. There was nothing wrong with
    > it at that time. When I went in to see him on the 17th I
    > told him about all the ingrown nails I had in the past and
    > the side he did surgery on was an ingrown in the past but I
    > had it taken care of by another doctor. It was not bothering
    > me nor was not infected or anything. It was fine!!! Do you
    > think I can file a law suit against him? If so, Do you have
    > numbers for any attorney's that only take money if I win?
    Please e-mail me at

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • CAN I PUT A LAWSUIT IN AGNIST MY DOCTOR?, 4/29/09, by Yvonna.
  • Re: CAN I PUT A LAWSUIT IN AGNIST MY DOCTOR?, 4/29/09, by Yvonna.

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