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    Post: Need Plaintiff Attorney Case Against Merrill Lynch

    Posted by Mimi on 8/07/10

    I need a list of plaintiff attorneys in the San Francisco
    Bay Area. I have a possible case against Merrill Lynch on
    behalf of my mother who is deceased. My niece and sister
    embezzled over 70K from my mother, Merrill Lynch has NOT
    been forthcoming in their statements to the district
    attorney and to me. In part I made bequests to my niece and
    sister without having proper information from ML. The
    district attorney is having trouble bringing a caseagainst
    my niece and sister partly because of ML. They have been
    less than forthcoming. The detective had to write a letter
    to ML Security before he could even speak to the broker. I
    need help. I need justice for my mother and ML could care

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Need Plaintiff Attorney Case Against Merrill Lynch, 8/07/10, by Mimi.
  • Re: Need Plaintiff Attorney Case Against Merrill Lynch, 11/13/10, by Len Haberman.

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