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    Post: civil litigation and smart meters and personal injury

    Posted by socalwiredsolutionsm on 8/07/11

    In California there are a smattering of cases dealing with
    personal injury, trespass and nuisance regarding
    Electromagnetic fields and cell towers, as well as some
    disability cases that are applicable.
    There are medical journal articles on electrosensitivities
    and experts like, Samuel Milham M.D. who recently wrote a
    book called "DIRTY ELECTRICITY", also Daniel Harper M.D. in
    Solana Beach is familiar with this physical illness and the
    research supporting it. The world health organization is
    not credible when it comes to this disease because it is
    strongly influenced by the very industries that stand to
    lose millions if this litigations takes hold. Not
    withstanding that statement the World Health Organization
    just deemed non ionizing radiation a class 2 carcinogen,
    right along with DDT, exhaust and other toxic substances.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • civil litigation and smart meters and personal injury, 8/07/11, by socalwiredsolutionsm.
  • Re: civil litigation and smart meters and personal injury, 2/11/12, by barb.

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