Post: Smart Meter

Posted by Betsy Holzner on 1/02/12
My husband and I are having extreme problems with our new
smart meter. The electromagnetic field is coming into our
back bedroom walls. My husband now has pnenomonia and we
both have ringing in our ears. We have moved our bed into
our living room.
Yes, I did write a letter to the president of SCE about our
concerns. Yes, I did contact and talk to the manufacture
about the problem. Yes, both the president and the
manufacture called people to fix the problem but they just
put in a new smart meter that did nothing to stop the niose
coming through our walls.
We are concerned about our health and are considering
moving out of our house until someone puts in an analog
meter back onto our house.
We also need a lawyer to help us with this problem. We
have spent over $5,000 trying to figure out what was
happening to our home and the monetary solutions to our
problems keep mounting.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Smart Meter, 1/02/12, by Betsy Holzner.