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    Post: Personal Injury Law - California

    Posted by Steven M. Sweat on 11/22/12

    Surprisingly, this is not as simple a question to answer as
    one might think. There is actually no California Vehicle
    Code section which specifically prohibits a pedestrian
    crossing a roadway without a crosswalk or between
    intersections. In fact, California Vehicle Code section
    21961 acknowledges that such a prohibition requires a
    "local ordinance" (like a City Code or Municipal Code). In
    addition, California Vehicle Code section 21954 requires
    pedestrians who cross streets outside of a crosswalk to
    yield to vehicles that would present a danger. This section
    clearly allows for pedestrians to cross between
    intersections and not at crosswalks but, requires them to
    use caution, as they should.

    However, California Vehicle Code section 21955 does
    prohibit pedestrians from crossing, "Between adjacent
    intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices
    or by police officers" at any place other than a crosswalk.
    This section only applies between two intersections that
    are controlled by the typical red-yellow-green traffic
    lights. In addition, the controlled intersections must be
    "adjacent" to each other and not separated by other
    intersections not controlled by traffic lights.

    The bottom line is that just because a police report claims
    that a pedestrian is "at fault" in an auto vs. pedestrian
    accident because they were "jaywalking", doesn't mean that
    the pedestrian shouldn't seek the advice of a competent
    personal injury and accident attorney familiar with the
    various code sections that apply to pedestrians. An
    attorney can analyze the claim from all perspectives and
    employ the use of an accident reconstruction expert, if
    necessary to determine if the pedestrian still has a claim.

    California is a "comparative negligence" state, which means
    that, even if there is some percentage of fault on the
    pedestrian, there may still be a claim for negligence on
    the part of the driver of the car, truck or motorcycle that
    struck the pedestrian. This may entitle the pedestrian to
    compensation for medical bills and pain and suffering.

    Does the California Vehicle Code Prohibit "Jaywalking"?

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  • Personal Injury Law - California, 11/22/12, by Steven M. Sweat.

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