Post: eJD Degree

Posted by Blanca Mooro on 6/29/10
Look at the passing rates for the bar. Concord is better than some of these ABA schools. Lots of JD grads are morons with no ambition. If mama and dada weren't wiping their rear ends they wouldn't find the bus. Like any ambitious person, if you find your nitch the eJD degree will be a highlight in your career.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- eJD Degree, 6/29/10, by Blanca Mooro.
- Re: eJD Degree, 7/05/10, by Res Ipsa Loco.
- Re: West Coast School of Law, 7/11/10, by Me Myself and I.
- Re: West Coast School of Law, 7/15/10, by Nickster.