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    Re: EJD

    Posted by Warning on 11/30/12

    On 6/11/12, ConcordAlum wrote:
    > I got my EJD from Concord a couple of years ago. It was the
    > only way I could get a degree. I used my "spare bedroom" a
    > I watched the kids while the wife worked and it was well
    > worth it. Money wise it cost about a quarter of the brick
    > and mortar. The pass rate of the baby bar is only 25&37;, I
    > conviced they make it much harder than its needed. To keep
    > the competition of the lower cost on line schools at bay.
    > Let the first year brick and mortar take it, I bet thier
    > pass rate is lower than Concords. My son just finished a
    > law school in the top 20 of the U.S. I was able to coach
    > him and discuss at length issues in law with him. It was
    > great. I also use my degree to establish self started
    > companies, non profits and evaluate political positions. I
    > am an advisor on a political campaign. Anyone can give
    > political advice, some are listened to more than others. I
    > was over 65 and retired when I got my degree and found it
    > challenging and usefull. Because of its cost, flexibility
    > of schedule and accessibilty it will be the degree of the
    > future, times change,remember Lincoln never had to take a
    > bar exam. I was told that if I passed the bar in
    > California, I could sit for the bar in my state. So respect
    > for the degree is growing but brick and mortar will not go
    > without a fight, thus the inane comments as elitism and
    > vested money interest raise their ugly heads. Quality
    > education is quality education, Concords record will
    > continue to show that as time goes on.

    Most people who want a JD want to be lawyers, not just to be
    able to talk to family who is lawyers.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • EJD, 6/11/12, by ConcordAlum.
  • Re: EJD, 11/30/12, by Warning.

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