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    Re: any other L.L.M online in the states

    Posted by Dan on 11/18/07

    Besides THomas jefferson Online ABA LLM, (It was the 1 from St
    THomas Law School In Miami), they transferred it, I know their are
    other schools. I emailed the site i saw on 1 of the postings for
    the new online law schools book and I was told there are a handfull
    of ABA OnLine programs now. AND THEIR IS MORE IN THIS BOOK, but 1
    that I found out about and not too much us advertised is University
    of Connecticut, is a full blown LLM. Chapman in California I was
    told has 1. There are alot of others I have been told that are not
    being advertised. FYI The book sites email told me Distance
    learning JD(NON ABA) students will get accepted in the Thomas
    Jefferson LLM ONLINE program, This is huge as most schools do not
    look at the correspondence schools as legit and do not take the
    class credits/ so I guess the other ABA schools want to limit it to
    their students or other ABA JD grads? SO, you can get and LLB from
    a Foreign school, take the 1 year LLM, and sit for The CA Bar w/o
    the baby bar and have an aba degree on your resume when you
    graduate. who knows, but I am waiting on this book and the details
    of all the ABA Online LLM programs. PENN STATE is the 1st ABA
    School to offer many of the JD classes completely online,(I was told
    by the Onlinelawschools dot org site) the ABA granted permission I
    was told. SO, technically 1 can get their LLB(since some states
    accept LLB credits)--, Online LLM, and a few courses from Pens State
    and your in,, with an ABA JD. It is possible

    On 10/22/07, CP wrote:
    > Not completely true. DO YOUR RESEARCH.
    > There is a school in Connecticut that has a PARTIAL distance
    > learning LLM. Google it.
    > CP
    > On 10/07/07, Dom wrote:
    >> Thomas Jefferson in Sandiego has a 1 year ABA online LLM
    >> On 1/26/07, Tax Student wrote:
    >>> On 12/26/06, 123 wrote:
    >>>> There is NO other online L.L.M program from an ABA school.
    >>>> On 12/23/06, Kim wrote:
    >>>>> Hi,
    >>>>> IT is to bad about St. Thomas, was there L.L.M program
    >>>>> completely online, and did it allow you to sit for the
    >>>>> Florida Bar. Does anyone know of any other online programs
    >>>>> for the L.L.M??? I have been diligently searching!!
    >>>>> Kim
    >>> To the best of my knowledge, there are no other ABA law school
    >>> online LLMS. However, the ABA does not accredit ANY LLM
    >> program.
    >>> The ABA only accredits JD programs. There are two distance
    >>> learning LLMS as follows:
    >>> and
    >>> Neither program is connected with an ABA accredited law school,
    >>> which may be a benefit or a drawback, depending on your
    >>> persective. I am a St. Thomas JD graduate and have looked at
    >> the
    >>> STU distance learning tax LLM. I beleive tat the program is
    >>> horribly overpriced. IF the total costs were about $8,000, then
    >>> I would consider it. Otherwise, for an online LLM, I'd look at
    >>> the two programs listed above. - Tax Student

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • any other L.L.M online in the states, 12/23/06, by Kim.
  • Re: any other L.L.M online in the states, 12/26/06, by 123.
  • Re: any other L.L.M online in the states, 1/26/07, by Tax Student.
  • Re: any other L.L.M online in the states, 10/07/07, by Dom.
  • Re: any other L.L.M online in the states, 10/22/07, by CP.
  • Re: any other L.L.M online in the states, 11/18/07, by Dan.
  • Re: any other L.L.M online in the states, 11/18/07, by Dan.

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