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    Re: Defimation of Character

    Posted by Michael on 9/21/04

    On 9/20/04, jolana wrote:
    > Hi I own and operate a horse stables. I had a women recently
    > who was working for me just quit in an ubrupt way after I had
    > sold her one of our best show mares very cheap. I found out
    > shortly after that she was bad mouthing me to all of my
    > clients. Because they have been with me for so long were
    > afraid to tell me that she was doing this. I am seven months
    > pregnant and they didn't want to upset me. We also recently
    > had one new client just up and leave in the night with out
    > saying anything. We are pretty sure we now know because of
    > what was being said behind my back. She was apparently telling
    > everyone there horses were being abused. But of course no one
    > beleived her and never mentioned this to me until after she
    > left. She even went as far as to whisper this into an eight
    > year old childs ear when I wasn't looking the day she quit. I
    > never even saw this coming. She seamed so nice. But now she
    > has my best horse to boot. I owned her for 17 years and
    > thought I had sold her to someone honest and good. Instead she
    > is with a phsyco. Is there anything I can do? I am a reputable
    > horse trainer and known all over the world. I don't want to
    > have this happen again. Can I sue her and possibly get my
    > horse back?

    You can sue pretty much anyone for just about anything. However,
    winning is another matter and the burden of proof regarding
    slander is on you. If you do win and are awarded damages, then
    it's up to you to collect those damages

    imho: From your post, you do have a case for slander but again,
    little if any $$$ is ever awarded. And sadly, no matter the
    outcome though, you won't get your horse back unless you buy it
    back from her - Her purchasing a horse from you has nothing to do
    with it.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Welcome to the Counsel.Net Privacy Rights Chatboard, 9/14/02, by Bob Reap, webmaster.
  • Re: Welcome to the Counsel.Net Privacy Rights Chatboard, 2/17/04, by Ryan .
  • Re: Defimation of Character, 9/20/04, by jolana.
  • Re: Defimation of Character, 9/21/04, by Michael.

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