Re: Old boss bothering at my new job?
Posted by Lynda on 10/14/06
On 7/02/06, v wrote:
> I don't know if this is off base. How bout a P.I. & body
> guard rental service untill he gets the messege clear enough.
> On 7/02/06, Ellen wrote:
>> I worked at an office a month and I gave my boss a 2 week
>> notice, he continued to still ask me stay over and over
>> and over I was nuta at this point saying NO NO NO. Plus
>> he is very OCD and very very nosey and controlling. Ok I
>> start my new job and love it but I know how my boss is I
>> knew he is sooo OCD and nobody tells him NO that he would
>> go looking for my car at local business offices. and sure
>> enough he found it and started driving by new office I was
>> scared I ducked I told my new employer how my old boss was
>> and I feared him, He is not attracted to me or anything
>> like that it's his OCD. Well he started calling my new
>> job and asking when did she start how much stuff tha tis
>> none of his business. Now he is showing up there and
>> scheduled a meeting with my new boss to say what I have
>> no clue?? My new boss said don't worry and is documenting
>> his drive bys and calls. My husband was so upset cause I
>> am stressed over this freak that he called him and said
>> look she does not work for you you don't own her, stop
>> driving by stop calling her new job because this is
>> stalking sooooooo he called even more this guy is NUTS!!
>> and I am scared! what can I do, this is stressing my life
>> out so much and I love my new job but having to leave
>> early to avoid him is crazy. Any suggestions??? PLEASE
If he has a OCD, you are dealing with a compulsive behavior
and he can't help it. You need to not talk to him at all,
ignore phone calls,switch cars and inform your new co-workers
that until, everyone get on the same page, and not give him
access to you, he will continue to see if he can sabotage your
job so you have no other recourse but to come back to work for
him. It is very important for you and your colleagues to set
strict boundaries and everyone stay on the same page. Your
boss should not engage in any conversation, but allow him to
vent and then close the chapter. He is making one last ditch
effort to get you back and if he doesn't succeed then he will
move on. That is part of his compulsive behavior. Switch
cars for a few days with your husband or someone.