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    Post: mailbox rights, mail tampering

    Posted by nancy on 11/18/06

    A mailbox was assigned to the house we now live in way back
    in the forties. The house belonged to my husbands
    grandmother and he aquired it at her death. He, my husband.
    had gotten his mail here all of his life and when we
    married four years ago I changed my mail here also. My
    husbands mother also gets her mail out of the same box and
    has done so since she married and built a house behind this
    one in the late sixties. My husbands mother is now
    demanding we change our mail address but we have been told
    the box goes with this house and not hers. Also she is
    getting our mail out of the box and writing refused on it
    and returning it, Can you give me any advise?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • mailbox rights, mail tampering, 11/18/06, by nancy.

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