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    Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS

    Posted by v on 12/20/06

    I agree that mil tampering is a federal offense. The recepticle is
    owned by the owner, not the feds. Only mail boxes placed out in
    public are federal property. That may be why it is considerd a civil
    matter. And not a federal matter. A vandlised private mail box would
    not be a federal offense. Just guessin!

    On 12/18/06, Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote:
    > On 12/18/06, Robin wrote:
    >> On 12/17/06, Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote:
    >>> On 12/17/06, Robin Taylor wrote:
    >>>> I have a question? is it illegal for a roomate to take a
    >>>> utlity bill that is not in her name, and make a copy of it?
    >>> Of course it is illegal. Under Tort theory you have an
    >>> reasonable expectation of privacy and Ownership of the
    >>> property (information contained in the document). The
    >>> measure of damages might a little tricky. What was the
    >>> worth of the information? How were you damaged or what
    >>> injury in dollars did you suffer? You will have to put a
    >>> price on this.
    >>> Criminally; conversion (stealing) of property (in this case
    >>> information) but the worth again will have to be assessed.
    >>> In the real world it will be difficult to get a cop (Legally
    >>> challenged moron) to arrest her on this slight misdemeanor
    >>> of theft.
    >>> Best action is to bring to small claims and to notify the
    >>> post office of mail theft. If it was taken out of your mail
    >>> box this is a federal theft. The mail box is actually
    >>> property of the Federal government even though a private
    >>> person buys it. It is for the Federal government use only.
    >>> Anyone taking knowling another mail out of a Federal
    >>> receptical is guity of mail theft. But if the room mate
    >>> shares your mail box or shares in paying the bill then this
    >>> will give her some "ownership" of the document and kill your
    >>> suit.
    >>> Res Ipsa Loquitur
    >>> So if she is a roomate that shares in paying the electric
    >> bill, even though the bill is not in her name, she took it and
    >> made a copy of it, this is not illegal??
    >>> Robin the law is in the mind of the judge. It is what his
    > opinion is and he really doen't have to follow the law. He will
    > make some excuse what the law does not apply. Yes, it is
    > illegal if there was some "expectation of privacy". But...Now
    > did you have the imformation out in the open? Did you tell her
    > she could not have any right to the information of the bill? It
    > would be hard to pay some of the bill UNLESS she is granted some
    > type of information on how much the bill was. -Here is where
    > you are going to have trouble. It is her right to know the
    > amount of the bill she is contributing to. Futher it is
    > REASONABLE to have a copy of the charges she is paying. I don't
    > think any judge would think this was any type of actionable
    > offence.
    >>> Res Ipsa Loquitur

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Mil tampering?, 12/17/06, by Robin Taylor.
  • Re: Mil tampering?, 12/17/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
  • Re: Mil tampering?, 12/18/06, by Robin.
  • Re: Mil tampering?, 12/18/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
  • Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS, 12/20/06, by v.
  • Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS, 12/20/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote.
  • Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS, 12/21/06, by v.

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