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    Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS

    Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote on 12/20/06

    My friend you might want to rethink your guess. When I worked as a
    mail carrier for the post office. Federal agents would investigate
    stolen social security checks taken out of private mail boxes. Also
    it is illegal for anyone to place in a "private" mailbox any article
    ie message, letter, Newspaper or telephone book that did not go
    through the post office and paid the postage. A private person
    might buy the mailbox but the "rights" to what is put in there or
    WHO has access to the mailbox is the Feds domain.

    Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote

    On 12/20/06, v wrote:
    > I agree that mil tampering is a federal offense. The recepticle
    > owned by the owner, not the feds. Only mail boxes placed out in
    > public are federal property. That may be why it is considerd a
    > matter. And not a federal matter. A vandlised private mail box
    > not be a federal offense. Just guessin!
    > On 12/18/06, Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote:
    >> On 12/18/06, Robin wrote:
    >>> On 12/17/06, Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote:
    >>>> On 12/17/06, Robin Taylor wrote:
    >>>>> I have a question? is it illegal for a roomate to take a
    >>>>> utlity bill that is not in her name, and make a copy of it?
    >>>> Of course it is illegal. Under Tort theory you have an
    >>>> reasonable expectation of privacy and Ownership of the
    >>>> property (information contained in the document). The
    >>>> measure of damages might a little tricky. What was the
    >>>> worth of the information? How were you damaged or what
    >>>> injury in dollars did you suffer? You will have to put a
    >>>> price on this.
    >>>> Criminally; conversion (stealing) of property (in this case
    >>>> information) but the worth again will have to be assessed.
    >>>> In the real world it will be difficult to get a cop (Legally
    >>>> challenged moron) to arrest her on this slight misdemeanor
    >>>> of theft.
    >>>> Best action is to bring to small claims and to notify the
    >>>> post office of mail theft. If it was taken out of your mail
    >>>> box this is a federal theft. The mail box is actually
    >>>> property of the Federal government even though a private
    >>>> person buys it. It is for the Federal government use only.
    >>>> Anyone taking knowling another mail out of a Federal
    >>>> receptical is guity of mail theft. But if the room mate
    >>>> shares your mail box or shares in paying the bill then this
    >>>> will give her some "ownership" of the document and kill your
    >>>> suit.
    >>>> Res Ipsa Loquitur
    >>>> So if she is a roomate that shares in paying the electric
    >>> bill, even though the bill is not in her name, she took it and
    >>> made a copy of it, this is not illegal??
    >>>> Robin the law is in the mind of the judge. It is what his
    >> opinion is and he really doen't have to follow the law. He will
    >> make some excuse what the law does not apply. Yes, it is
    >> illegal if there was some "expectation of privacy". But...Now
    >> did you have the imformation out in the open? Did you tell her
    >> she could not have any right to the information of the bill? It
    >> would be hard to pay some of the bill UNLESS she is granted some
    >> type of information on how much the bill was. -Here is where
    >> you are going to have trouble. It is her right to know the
    >> amount of the bill she is contributing to. Futher it is
    >> REASONABLE to have a copy of the charges she is paying. I don't
    >> think any judge would think this was any type of actionable
    >> offence.
    >>>> Res Ipsa Loquitur

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Mil tampering?, 12/17/06, by Robin Taylor.
  • Re: Mil tampering?, 12/17/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
  • Re: Mil tampering?, 12/18/06, by Robin.
  • Re: Mil tampering?, 12/18/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
  • Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS, 12/20/06, by v.
  • Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS, 12/20/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur wrote.
  • Re: Mil tampering? RARA AVIS, 12/21/06, by v.

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