Re: Video taping without my permission
Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur on 12/25/06
The first issue to tackle is tresspass. If this business is
a private one then this ex wife is tresspassing. Simply hae
the owner tell her to stop coming in or the police will be
Next the issue of privacy. NO privacy rights in PUBLIC
places. Anyone with a camera can take your photo. Of
except places where privacy is expected ie restrooms or
changing rooms.
If your business is private then taking video with out
permission maybe be grounds for invasion of privacy. But
anyone can ask another questions. You do not need to
respond. Of course as an employee you can tell her to stop
and leave. But you will need to find out if the management
will back you. If they give her permission to video then it
is her right to stay there and it is just a "condition" of
your employement. If there is considerable embarrassment or
injury to reputation then you can refuse to comply with the
work order or condition of employment.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
On 12/25/06, Pam wrote:
> I want to know if someone, an ex-wife of my current
> employer, can come into the place of business and video
> tape me, and ask me questions on this taping without my
> permission ? She has done it twice, and next time she
> comes in do I have the right to tell her to stop taping at
> the business ? If she doesn't can I sue her legally ?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Video taping without my permission, 12/25/06, by Pam.
- Re: Video taping without my permission, 12/25/06, by Res Ipsa Loquitur .