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    Re: doctors information

    Posted by Res Ipsa Loqitur on 12/30/06


    If the company is paying for the doctor of course they have
    an interest in the information.

    But...Generally they should not have any right to such
    information. If there is a company policy, was it published
    to the employees? If not then they can not pull this out of
    thin air and claim Policy. Remember Paul policy is only a
    general guide line in which companies operate, they are NOT
    LAW. The law does not care what policy is if it infringes
    on state or Federal or Natural law.

    You could tell them the name of the doctor is personal
    information and you are not at liberty to devulge it because
    it is YOUR policy.

    Res Ipsa Loqitur

    On 12/30/06, Paul wrote:
    > I recently took a sick day at work to see my doctor. When
    > I called to let my boss know I would not be in because I
    > needed to see my doctor, He asked me for my doctors name,
    > address and what group he was in. he said this was company
    > policy.Do they have a right to request this? I feel this
    > is an invasion of my privicy rights.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • doctors information, 12/30/06, by Paul.
  • Re: doctors information, 12/30/06, by Res Ipsa Loqitur.

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