Re: Neighbor harassment
Posted by v on 1/07/07
I hope you reported this to the police. Ok ... i may be wrong here, but as i remember, in some states, a person can be charged with assult for exactly what the neighbor did to you. On 1/03/07, xeyesi wrote: > My neighbor operates a daycare from her home on a dead-end > street. The parents who render her service park wherever > they please, most of the time blocking driveways of other > residence in the neighborhood. I attempted to speak to her > privately about this, but was met by her father who warned > me that I was not allowed on his property and that he > would be informing the police. Because this situation > wasn't getting ressolved in a civil manner, I contacted > the city during their next visit to the daycare and > informed them of the problem. Afterwards, my neighbor ran > into my yard, where I had been with my children, cussing, > screaming, calling me names, and accusing me of being a > racist. Now, not only is she continuing to harass me, but > her children are calling my children names as well. I > don't really want to move, but I don't want to endure this > harassment. Is there anything that I can do?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Neighbor harassment, 1/03/07, by xeyesi.
- Re: Neighbor harassment, 1/07/07, by v.
- Re: Neighbor harassment, 1/17/07, by danita.
- Re: An answer to your situation, 1/17/07, by danita.
- Re: Neighbor harassment, 6/29/07, by The Canal Victim.
- Re: Neighbor harassment, 7/22/07, by Roberta Cutting.