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    Post: mail tampering

    Posted by Joanne on 1/29/07

    I've looked through other posts on this subject, but
    didn't really find out what steps I should take.

    I am divorced and have had my own separate residence for
    several years. I have also been a claimant in a class
    action lawsuit and am about to receive my award. I was
    not getting any correspondence with the settlement
    facility regarding my award so I called them. They said
    that they sent it to my name but at my old address. I was
    sure that I had changed my address with them, but in any
    case, it went to my ex's address, but with my name. He
    has already been notified in the past to forward any of my
    mail to me. Well, he opened the letter, which stated that
    my award had been granted and would be sent soon. He made
    a copy of the letter and gave it to his divorce attorney,
    who then sent a copy to my divorce attorney stating that
    my ex received the letter and opened it "on my behalf",
    and that he now wants part of my award! Aside from
    wanting some of my money, isn't it illegal for him to
    have opened the letter addressed to me? and then sent it
    on to a third party? I also think, and have to find out
    from the settlement facility, that he may have called and
    had them change my mailing address back to his address so
    he could monitor the status of my award. I know he has
    been opening or discarding other mail of mine because he
    has never forwarded any mail to me in the past 2 years.
    Who should I contact about this?


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • mail tampering, 1/29/07, by Joanne.

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