Re: Video taping without my permission
Posted by Res Ispa Loquitur on 2/14/07
Privacy is protected in non public areas. Pulic areas are
Parks, sidewalks, streets. If your children are on his
property then this is his private right to tape. Stores
video tape everyone on there premisses. For invasion of
Privacy to kick in the place must be truly "Private" such as
inside a house. But your yard is not totally private
place. It is accessable to the pubblic view. If this were
to be considered private any passer by looking at your yard
could be liabable for Invasion of privacy.
In Nader v General Motors corp it was held that mere
gathering of inforamation about a person does not give rise
to a cause of actions for invasion of privacy. So If the
neighbor is gathering information about your family with out
undue Private invasion ie wiretapping or electronic
eavesdropping (listening to conversations) He is with in
the law.
In some states there are statutes that might help you but
based on common law he can do this.
Res Ispa Loquitur
On 2/14/07, Brandy wrote:
> This is the situation, the man my boyfriend lives beside
> has survelance cameras in his yard, BUT he also has one
> taping my boyfriend everytime he goes out of his house.
> Not only that I have 3 children that is also being taped
> everytime we go over there and they are outside playing, I
> really don't like that ideal, what if he is a pervert? I
> was wondering if that would be invasion of privacy or if
> there is anything i can do about him taping my children?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Video taping without my permission, 2/14/07, by Brandy.
- Re: Video taping without my permission, 2/14/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur.
- Re: Video taping without my permission, 7/24/09, by mark.
- Re: Video taping without my permission, 7/24/09, by photo .
- Re: Video taping without my permission, 2/15/10, by Michael Cononie.