Re: video camera facing my neighbors yard
Posted by Good Neighbor on 5/22/11
I hope anyone reading the first response to Karen will do some further research. It is illegal to burn treated wood and create toxic smoke in most states in the U.S. It is also illegal to deliberately harass neighbors with any type of woodsmoke, or to threaten to burn their homes down. The law does protect the few from the majority in many cases, also, especially people with disabilities. Many states, towns and counties regulate woodsmoke beyond burning toxic materials. Excessive smoke is illegal under these laws. Check with your state environmental protection agency.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- video camera facing my neighbors yard, 3/14/07, by karen.
- Re: video camera facing my neighbors yard, 3/14/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
- Re: video camera facing my neighbors yard, 5/22/11, by Good Neighbor.