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    Re: postal (cfr)

    Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur on 4/08/07


    I don't know of a regulation but when I carried mail picking
    up mail directly from the customer was a courtesy. Mail is
    supposed to be dropped off in Mail boxes for collection or
    the post office. But on the route a mail man could pick up
    the mail directly. It is much safer to mail the letters in a
    mail box than give a carrier mail. It will have to be
    placed in his satchel loose mixed up with the to be
    delivered mail. Then "remembered" to be dropped off in the
    imcoming mail vats at the post office.

    Res Ipsa Loquitur

    On 4/07/07, Rodney Heiselman wrote:
    > My postal carrier tells me that my out going mail needs to
    > be placed on th outside of my mail recepticle in order to
    > be picked up. Is there a code of federal regulation that I
    > am not aware of? If so what is it? The reason I do not
    > place the letters outside the box is for privacy reasons.
    > The box is mounted onto the house right next to my front
    > door and many people who come to my door are able to have
    > full view of my business when they cn read the info.
    > placed on the outside of my box. Can someone help me on
    > this one please.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • postal (cfr), 4/07/07, by Rodney Heiselman.
  • Re: postal (cfr), 4/08/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
  • Re: postal (cfr), 4/11/07, by v.

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