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    Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment

    Posted by Claudia on 2/26/12

    On 3/03/08, Bonnie wrote:
    > March 3 2008 Monday ~
    > Neighborhood harassment, libel,
    slander, is increasing
    > everywhere !
    > I have been the innocent victim of
    this and have suffered
    > greatly because of it. But I am
    not going to stand by and allow
    > this to happen. I am putting
    together a non-profit organization
    > for support for people who are
    going through this and similar
    > harassment. I will have a website
    and meetings that will be
    > internet broadcasts with guest
    speakers who will "teach" skills
    > on how to handle bullies, the laws
    that apply to these
    > situations, how to obtain the
    correct legal help, and emotional
    > support projects, along with other
    interesting and helpful
    > criteria.
    > Please let me know if you would be
    interested in this source of
    > support and information by posting
    > For 2 years I have tried
    desperately to get county help on
    > issues, but the county office that
    supposedly handles this sort
    > of thing has been absolutely no
    help, but they have cooperated
    > with the people who are causing the
    slander and making false
    > complaints.
    > My husband and I are law abiding
    citizens, we are "squeaky
    > clean." and quiet people. I've
    never even had a speeding
    > ticket. But because of horrid
    contrivances by a few people,
    > they have managed to ruin my good
    name in this neighborhood. The
    > people who have created this awful
    slander have no idea that I
    > have the resources that I do to
    bring this out in the open. Also
    > a few collogues of mine are getting
    together do try and put
    > together a mini documentary on
    these type of situations. Please
    > help me by giving some feedback on
    your interest in a support
    > group of this kind. Many thank and
    please don't feel alone,
    > there and millions of us going
    through situations like this, and
    > it's time we got together for
    support and to create positive
    > change.
    > Sincerely,
    > Bonnie
    > On 4/19/05, Karen wrote:
    >> Girl I hear ya. Sort of same
    story for me. Neighbors just
    >> keep on accusing of BS, like they
    are out to get me.
    >> On 1/18/05, Tony wrote:
    >>> On 2/29/04, Cindy wrote:
    >>>> I am a law-abiding homemaker.
    Just to let you know, I have
    >>>> seen psychologists due to
    stress. I have never been
    >>>> arrested or labeled a 5150 by
    any mental association, only
    >>>> by the police, WHY? I get no
    answers to my questions.
    >>>> I suffer from fibromyalgia and
    post traumatic stress
    >>>> disorder for all my effort of
    trying to get to and prove
    >>>> the truth. It is hard for me to
    function normally on a
    >>>> regular basis and I cannot hold
    down a steady job. I mainly
    >>>> suffer from stress, and preferre
    to communication in
    >>>> writing than in person, as I am
    then accountable for my
    >>>> words. I do have a problem when
    it comes to being accused
    >>>> of things I did not do. I am
    tired of being labeled and
    >>>> lied about.
    >>>> I was black balled and lied
    about for making verbal
    >>>> complaints against employees of
    the local drug task force
    >>>> and the Sheriff's Dept. Now I'm
    making verbal complaints
    >>>> about some of the city cops.
    Nothing is done because the
    >>>> police records indicate I am a
    >>>> The most recent incident we
    suffered from was on Friday
    >>>> because a neighbor called the
    police on me for harassment.
    >>>> I'm not sure what the harassment
    was and the police won't
    >>>> tell me.
    >>>> My husband went to the door of a
    neighbor because a 17 year
    >>>> old continues to zoom through
    our neighborhood in a VW,
    >>>> revving his motor in front of
    our house, blowing out
    >>>> choaking white smoke when we are
    working in our garage or
    >>>> front yard. By the way, the
    police did not want to hear our
    >>>> side of the story. I remained in
    the street, video taping
    >>>> the car, but the police were
    called on ME only! My husband
    >>>> and I are again being told to
    move, by the police who
    >>>> insinuated that I (not my
    husband) am making up things and
    >>>> insinuated that I do not get
    along with any of my
    >>>> neighbors! I live near relatives
    and friends now!
    >>>> We lived in our former
    neighborhood for 14 years, 7 with no
    >>>> neighbor problems. When I
    started a neighborhood watch
    >>>> program because of a stalking
    involving the neighbors
    >>>> living on the street behind our
    house, and also turned in a
    >>>> drug dealer, our lives were
    ruined. I had no idea the
    >>>> criminal and his family were
    friends and informants of the
    >>>> police. We turned over tape
    recordings of illegal
    >>>> activities to the police, who
    did nothing but take stolen
    >>>> property from the guy.
    >>>> I began being lied about.
    Eventually I became known as
    >>>> the 'crazy lady' because I kept
    documented information and
    >>>> files on what was going on. This
    was told to me by one of
    >>>> the Sheriff's who laughed at me
    also (tape recorded this
    >>>> conversation also).
    >>>> I was lied about by neighbors
    who all know or are related
    >>>> to, some to cops, and attorneys
    in this area.
    >>>> About 4 years ago, one of the
    Lieutenants (tape-recorded
    >>>> conversation) from the Sheriff's
    Dept., informed me that I
    >>>> had been investigated and
    cleared of any wrong doing. What
    >>>> wrong doing? When I requested a
    copy of the report, he then
    >>>> told me there had been no
    investigation. I know there was,
    >>>> as I video taped the officer
    going from house to house in
    >>>> my former neighborhood.
    >>>> I continue to get lied to by the
    police. The more questions
    >>>> I ask, the more blame is laid on
    ME and the more harassment
    >>>> I receive from neighbors or
    people from this group.
    >>>> My questions never get answered.
    >>>> My husband and I moved from
    advice of an attorney. We have
    >>>> lived here for 3 years now, but
    have been harassed because
    >>>> of the lying gossip and
    labeling. We I have seen favoritism
    >>>> and discrimination from the
    police in our area.
    >>>> We just want to live in peace,
    but because I have been
    >>>> labeled, I am a target by liars,
    relatives, friends and God
    >>>> knows who else because of it,
    like the neighbors we are
    >>>> dealing with now.
    >>>> This is the pattern: First we
    are harassed, either my
    >>>> husband and I call the police,
    or the police are called on
    >>>> ME: Once in this neighborhood
    for harassment I wasn't
    >>>> doing, twice in the other, for
    throwing rocks at a
    >>>> neighbors house when I wasn't
    home, I was at the
    >>>> chiropractor. And once for
    calling a neighbor a liar and
    >>>> video taping it. No one ever
    calls the police on my
    >>>> husband. He could get away with
    murder and I would get the
    >>>> blame!
    >>>> Then I am lied about. Then the
    police twist the truth and
    >>>> make out I am the problem and
    the trouble maker. I believe
    >>>> this is because of the labelling
    that has followed me from
    >>>> the previous neighborhood.
    >>>> This upsets me. I will admit, I
    have problems dealing with
    >>>> the blame stress.
    >>>> The police only give me the run-
    around and insinuations
    >>>> when I try to get answers to my
    questions, and of course, I
    >>>> am always blamed by the police
    as being the problem. I do
    >>>> not respect them, nor have any
    fear of them.
    >>>> My husband and I once
    volunteered for the Sheriff's Dept.
    >>>> on the local Search & Rescue Tea
    and know how they can
    >>>> twist the truth with all out
    lies. We quit when I began
    >>>> recieving police intimidation
    from some of the cops. They
    >>>> never bothered my husband but he
    quit because of me.
    >>>> I was afraid to go to the press
    in the past out of fear my
    >>>> husband may loose his job, the
    only means of support we
    >>>> have, because of me. I am not in
    fear of loosing my life to
    >>>> get to the truth.
    >>>> I do NOT want advice from anyone
    in our area. We need to
    >>>> speak to someone outside this
    area, a neutral party, that
    >>>> is not easily influenced by the
    status of the 'clan' in our
    >>>> area and where money and social
    status is not the main
    >>>> issue. Someone who is truthful
    and can defend my rights
    >>>> would be very much appreciated.
    >>>> If you could PLEASE, please help
    us and give us advice on
    >>>> what to do or who to seek for
    legal advice, it would be
    >>>> greatly appreciated.
    >>>> We believe there is more going
    on here than meets the eye
    >>>> and the problems for ME are not
    just going to go away as
    >>>> long as I have to live in this
    town, especially being
    >>>> labelled a 5150, and as long as
    the police know where I
    >>>> live.
    >>>> I will do whatever it takes to
    get to the truth and get my
    >>>> name cleared of this lie. I have
    met many people here that
    >>>> are afraid of the police and
    others that have been suffered
    >>>> mistreatment. I have the proof.
    >>>> Thank you.
    >>>> Cindy in California

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/29/04, by Cindy.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/04/04, by Ric.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/10/04, by Cindy.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 1/18/05, by Tony.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 1/18/05, by tmd.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 4/19/05, by Karen.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 7/22/07, by Roberta Cutting.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/03/08, by Bonnie.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 4/25/08, by PAMELA.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/18/09, by Concerned.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 9/28/09, by T.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 12/11/09, by gangstalking.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/17/10, by rj.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 7/14/11, by Cindy in California.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 9/06/11, by charlene.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/26/12, by Claudia .
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/26/12, by Claudia in dallas suburbs agrees.
  • Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 4/03/12, by sally bailey.

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