Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment
Posted by Concerned on 3/18/09
please pardon spelling , a side affect of not completing school , due to gang/cause stalkers . Indeed it is very hard to prove criminal harassment , i live in canada , laws would be different but somewhat the same. it would seem you did all one can do. getting the police involved was your first mistake however , most cops are PIGS and will do all they can do to protect there snitches, every couple OF homes in my neighborhood is a drug dealer, contraband dealer or just a straight up rat snitch neighborhoodwatch informer, try to think back ,i bet they approached you before you even had the notion you were being harassed . and by my online studies of stalkers for the past 5 years shows that if u just forget about them or they think you wont help them in any way , then u r screwed they will start the harrasement, get u so messed up hoping you will act out , so they can charge you , then u r locked up , and in there eyes then they r smooth sailing and continue there criminal activities. and in the "socalled free countries" we both live in are actually ignorant hippocritical countries when it gets right down to the bone. you get the point? they want us all brainwashed puppets that drink floridated water. keep our mouths shut and let them pull the strings just an example, freedom of speech ya right,ill be suprised if this post even makes it through or isnt alterd in some way. if local police dont get anything solved for you it is probably because , when the rats slash facist nazi pig stalkers ,snitches wat ever the hek u wanna call em got mad and they would , that will cause the local police oficer to then have a problem,because his informant rat pos stalker snitches are exposed. then there street theatre will start , theyll drive fast by ur house , stare in ur windows, say ignorant gestures to u without actually face to face saying it, and anyting else to seclude you more from the world , and make you look like this 5150 , basket case watever u called it, all i can say is people like this , theese facist pig nazi street thugs are lucky its 2009 and not 1850 cause there asses would be delt with a nuceknot .good luck trying "KEEP ON KEEPING ON"
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/29/04, by Cindy.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/04/04, by Ric.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/10/04, by Cindy.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 1/18/05, by Tony.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 1/18/05, by tmd.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 4/19/05, by Karen.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 7/22/07, by Roberta Cutting.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/03/08, by Bonnie.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 4/25/08, by PAMELA.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 3/18/09, by Concerned.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 9/28/09, by T.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 12/11/09, by gangstalking.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/17/10, by rj.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 7/14/11, by Cindy in California.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 9/06/11, by charlene.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/26/12, by Claudia .
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 2/26/12, by Claudia in dallas suburbs agrees.
- Re: Defimation of Character & Harassment, 4/03/12, by sally bailey.