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    Re: Neighbor Harrassment

    Posted by Kat on 8/02/07

    On 7/22/07, Roberta Cutting wrote:
    > On 7/17/07, v wrote:
    >> Support group for people with neighbors fom hell.
    >> -- Good luck all.
    >> On 7/16/07, Brenda Harp wrote:
    >>> On 3/05/04, Maria Perez wrote:
    >>>> It has been 4 fours years when the harrassment started. We
    >>>> have neighbor who is obessed with making our life
    >>>> miserable. He decided 4 years ago that he just simply did
    >>>> not like us, I believe he is prejudice. Anyway we have had
    >>>> to call the cops on him due to threats. 95&37; of the time
    >>>> when we are outside he makes an effort to shout obsenities
    >>>> at us. Even to my children. We have endured it for a long
    >>>> time and I'm just afraid that my husband can only take so
    >>>> much. Is there any thing I do to make him stop! I know
    >>>> that there is freedom of speech but there should also be
    >>>> freedom of peace.
    >>> 7/16/07 Got you beat here. I have had a neighbor that has
    >>> harrassed - stalked - bullied - given terroristic threats and
    >>> much more for over 9 1/2 years. Now her son is out of prison
    >>> after 16 years for stabbing a woman to death 40 something
    >>> times and he is also started in on us.
    >>> The law want help nor will the judge in a court room. What
    >>> do you do? I have thought about the news but how do you get
    >>> them to tell your story?? I guess when we have just had
    >>> enough we will be the ones who will go to jail for protecting
    >>> ourselves and our family. What is the worst part of it all
    >>> is that when I go to jail there will be no one here to
    >>> protect my family. That just means they win.
    >>> I keep praying that God will keep me strong so I don't hit
    >>> this person.
    > I truly understand where you two are coming from. My family and
    > I were harassed a few years back and it was, by far, the worst
    > experience of our lives. I also had to ask God to keep us
    > strong enough not to retaliate. I would like to suggest that
    > you document everything on a daily basis that happens regarding
    > this neighbor/neighbors' harassing you. Include the dates in
    > your journal. If nothing happened that day, state so. Even
    > take pictures and use a camcorder if possible. I started an
    > organization that stems from the harassment we suffered, and
    > would like to let you know that you are welcome to contact me
    > anytime to see what I can do to help. I am also working on a
    > publishing company and a Web site for the organization. If you
    > would like your story printed, contact me and I will see what I
    > can do to help.
    > Citizen's Against Legal and Moral Abuse, Inc.
    > C/O Roberta Cutting
    > P.O. Box 1442
    > Zephyrhills, Florida 33539
    > 352-206-5787

    Out of the 17 years we've lived in our house, during fifteen of
    those years our family has been harrassed by our neighbor. We have
    tried to ignore his actions against us and turn the other cheek,
    but feel now enough is enough. We do not want to be victims of
    this evil man's plots any more. He has followed me to work, driven
    by my husband at his employment and yelled F.Y. at him; terrorized
    our children (threw at dirt clod over the fence at my child, scared
    my daughter by using his car to make her think he would hit her,
    yelled at our children passing by his house on the sidewalk)

    When we are driving down the street the opposite direction, he will
    swerve at us as if he's going to hit us. When I was 8 months
    pregnant he called on his dog to "bite her". He blocks the
    sidewalk with his truck when he sees we're using the sidewalk!
    There's much more, but what do you do?

    Where are anyone's right to peace living next to a tyrant nut?


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor Harrassment, 3/05/04, by Maria Perez.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 3/27/04, by Aaron.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 5/13/04, by ahmet.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 5/25/04, by Beth.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 6/29/04, by Frustrated.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 6/29/04, by Frustrated.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 5/17/06, by Hall.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 6/22/06, by Jackie.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 7/14/06, by Sandy Shen.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 9/03/06, by angel.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 10/04/06, by Mai Liu.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 7/16/07, by Brenda Harp.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 7/17/07, by v.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 7/22/07, by Roberta Cutting.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 8/02/07, by Kat.
  • Re: Neighbor Harrassment, 2/16/08, by ron.

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