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    Re: Neighbor Harassment

    Posted by Roberta Cutting on 8/14/07

    On 8/12/07, annon. wrote:
    > You might try and get a restraining order (TRO) which
    > prohibits your neighbor from photographing you and your
    > family while you are on your own property. This will give
    > you "teeth" you can use to bring further action in the event
    > they violate any terms of the order.
    > You could also bring a civil action for harrassment against
    > your neighbor but that will cost you attorney's fees. Try
    > filing for a TRO first. You can do that yourself without an
    > attorney.
    > You might also see if your community has a "community
    > justice center." If there is such a community org. in your
    > area, they would likely be willing to mediate the dispute
    > (if your neighbor agrees to mediation) without the need for
    > judicial intervention.
    > The ticket your husband got sounds like a "he said--she
    > said" situation which shouldn't result in a court upholding
    > the ticket without some other evidence.

    > You do need to get this matter settled some way. This is
    > the kind of petty dispute that can easly escalate into a
    > serious criminal matter involving actual violence

    Michelle, you have many of the same problems as my family and
    I endured a fews ago and to us or anyone going through such a
    horrid ordeal, it's not a petty thing. I would never call it
    petty when someone is using the justice system just to harass
    another person. Annon must not know the impact on what
    something like this could do to someone's life. It's
    devastating as it disrupts your entire lifestyle. Doesn't

    I started an organization called "Citizen's Against Legal and
    Moral Abuse" and I understand fully what you are going
    through. If you would like to contact our orgnanization, feel
    free to write or call, whichever you prefer. Our contact
    information is below.

    Take care,


    Citizen's Against Legal and Moral Abuse, Inc.
    C/O Roberta Cutting, President
    P.O. Box 1442
    Zephyrhills, FL 33539

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor Harassment, 8/12/07, by Michelle.
  • Re: Neighbor Harassment, 8/12/07, by annon..
  • Re: Neighbor Harassment, 8/14/07, by Roberta Cutting.
  • Re: Neighbor Harassment, 9/05/07, by Linda.

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