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    Re: Neighbor Harassment

    Posted by Linda on 9/05/07

    Are you sure you don't live by us?? We have neighbors that
    sound exactly like yours'!
    We can burn in our borough, but we don't anymore, we just
    barbecue and cook on our firepit now and our neighbors
    called the cops on us. The cops came we explained that we
    cook on it, we actually were cooking on it when they arrived
    and kind of laughed it off! These neighbors also put up
    concrete barriers on the street and altered the water flow
    and it's like a river in our backyard when we get a bad
    storm and also get water in our basement. They were told to
    move these several times, but refuse! Here it is a month
    later, (because they were asked to move these), and the wife
    started again about the fire pit. She claims she took
    pictures of our backyard, and we have a fence up on their
    side. Did she come into our yard..... I'm not sure, but I
    believe that is an invasion of our privacy, it's our
    property. Please let me know how you made out with your
    siuation and any advise you can give would be very much
    Thank you

    On 8/12/07, Michelle wrote:
    > I have lived in my home with my husband and children for
    > the past six years. About two years ago a young couple
    > no children moved in and have constantly called the police
    > over numerous matters. Not until a few days ago have any
    > them resulted in a ticket. She has called stating that our
    > dogs came into her yard which is false. If they are not in
    > the house they are in our back yard. They have called
    > stating that our garbage cans did not have lids. One of
    > garbage cans did not have a lid because it had blown away
    > in the wind one day. We got rid of the garbage can and no
    > ticket was issued. They have called about excess garbage-
    > this was after our daughter had a family birthday and
    > friend birthday party in the same week. Our garbage went
    > out the next day. The police understood and did not issue
    > us a ticket. Since then she has filed a complaint with our
    > local animal control office stating that our dog was
    > chasing her dog. We went to court and plead not guilty.
    > When this incident supposably took place my three young
    > children and husband were in the backyard with another
    > neighbor. The allegations were once again false. We will
    > soon be going to court for our trial. About two weeks ago
    > she received the letter that she would have to appear in
    > court. My husband and two sons were out of town on that
    > Friday, my daughter was at my moms- while I was letting
    > dogs out at 12:30 in the morning she came out and starting
    > taking pictures. The dogs were in our yard. She started
    > yelling and cursing at me. She said I will see you in
    > you F***ing B*** and numerous other things. I didn't
    > realize you could take pictures so I called the police.
    > After the officer spoke to her he suggested I sign a
    > disorderly conduct report so I did so. He said she is
    > obviously trying to cause problems for us to let us know
    > we need further assistance. Since then she has constatnly
    > been taking pictures of me, my children and my dogs. This
    > past Thursday night my husband and I got home at about
    > 10:30pm. I was unloading our youngest from his car seat
    > she came out and started taking pictures once again. I
    > my two older children to go inside while I held our
    > youngest who was sleeping and stood outside with my
    > and our dogs. When we took our dogs in she quit taking the
    > pictures she went in the house and immediately called the
    > police. She said that my husband was called her a F***ing
    > B****. This was the exact thing that was put on the report
    > I filed. She also claimed her friend was outside. She was
    > not but we figured something was going to happen because
    > she is nuts! The police came and served my husband with a
    > disorderly conduct ticket. I was in tears. I explained
    > she constantly calls the police and she had been issued a
    > disorderly conduct ticket just a few days ago. I told the
    > officers I was outside with my husband and what she was
    > claiming was false. They said they could not be the judge
    > and had to issue the ticket. She admitted to taking the
    > pictures. She absolutely set us up. My husband was playing
    > softball against her boyfriend so she knew what time we
    > would be home. She came out the minute we pulled in the
    > driveway. This woman has been tormenting us for the past
    > two years. She continuously makes false claims. She is now
    > video taping us and taking pictures. My nine year old
    > daughter is now having anxiety attacks because she thinks
    > she is going to call the police and tell a lie about her
    > and get her in trouble. We have tried to be nice
    > even tried to avoid them. We are seriously considering
    > selling our house because I do not feel comfortable
    > my kids play outside unless she is at work. I believe I
    > have a harassment case. What do you think?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor Harassment, 8/12/07, by Michelle.
  • Re: Neighbor Harassment, 8/12/07, by annon..
  • Re: Neighbor Harassment, 8/14/07, by Roberta Cutting.
  • Re: Neighbor Harassment, 9/05/07, by Linda.

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