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    Re: dangerous neighbors

    Posted by Roberta Cutting on 8/14/07

    On 8/13/07, donna wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Our neighbors house is over 1,000 feet away, but they
    > spend their time dressed in green, standing silently in
    > the bushes staring at us and our house. When we go out to
    > our cars, they actually dive behind trees and hide. I have
    > been watering my garden and been distracted to look toward
    > their house, when their 40 year old repeat offender home
    > invader and burglar son, was waving his arms at me and
    > sticking out his tongue. They have cut paths in the woods,
    > each one closer to our fence which they use to observe us.
    > They recently planted 26 large pine trees within 5 feet of
    > our driveway which I'm assuming they will use to get even
    > closer. Recently, another neighbor saw these nuts pulling
    > property border stakes from his line abutting them. When
    > approached, our nutty neighbor told him that I am the only
    > one home all day so I must've done it. THey have slapped
    > giant yellow no trespassing signs along our yard,
    > strategically placed to make sure they face all doors at
    > our house. He then walked down the road and took pictures
    > of them. He also has gone out into the road and taken
    > photos of my son in law when he drives by on his way to
    > work and has driven by our house, turned around and passed
    > by again if someone is on my porch. One day they left the
    > house, and his wife dropped him off about 50 feet above
    > their house. He then cut around through the woods and
    > ended up hiding in one of the paths watching us. To be
    > honest, I am scared to death of them. Is this stalking?
    > The son and property owner don't work and are home all
    > day, sneaking around and hiding in the bushes. My doors
    > are locked.

    Donna, I am truly sorry about the grief you are having to
    endure. My family and I were harassed a few years back and
    we know just how devastating it can be.

    I started an organizaion called "Citizen's Against Legal and
    Moral Abuse, Inc." for the reason stated above and if you
    would like to contact us, feel free to write or call
    anytime. We may be able to offer you some advice. Our
    contact information is below.


    Citizen's Against Legal and Moral Abuse, Inc.
    C/O Roberta Cutting, President
    P.O. Box 1442
    Zephyrhills, FL 33539

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • dangerous neighbors, 8/13/07, by donna.
  • Re: dangerous neighbors, 8/13/07, by annon..
  • Re: dangerous neighbors, 8/13/07, by donna.
  • Re: dangerous neighbors, 8/14/07, by Roberta Cutting.

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