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    Re: (PS) Invasion of privacy?

    Posted by roger on 8/14/07

    So what would the next step be if my coworker is in fact
    invading my privacy or eavedropping.

    On 8/14/07, annon. wrote:
    > On 8/14/07, roger wrote:
    >> I am an instructor at a university in Oklahoma, and I have
    >> found a baby monitor hidden in the class room placed there
    >> by another instructor. I shouldn’t say I found it, but a
    >> couple of my students actually found it. They came to me
    >> really upset because they thought it was an invasion of
    >> their privacy. Is there any wrong doing here, legally?
    > Here is the OK Eavesdropping statute. It is much shorter
    > than the USC statute but is basically the same.
    > 13 Okl. St. § 176.3 (2007). Prohibited acts:
    > Except as otherwise specifically provided in this act,
    > any person is guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall
    > be punished by a fine of not less than Five Thousand Dollars
    > ($ 5,000.00), or by imprisonment of not more than five (5)
    > years, or by both who:
    > 1. Willfully intercepts, endeavors to intercept or
    > procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to
    > intercept any wire, oral or electronic communication;
    > 2. Willfully uses, endeavors to use or procures any other
    > person to use or endeavor to use any electronic, mechanical
    > or other device to intercept any oral communication;
    > 3. Willfully discloses or endeavors to disclose to any
    > other person the contents of any wire, oral or electronic
    > communication, knowing or having reason to know that the
    > information was obtained in violation of the provisions of
    > the Security of Communications Act;
    > 4. Willfully uses or endeavors to use the contents of any
    > wire, oral or electronic communication, knowing or having
    > reason to know that the information was obtained in
    > violation of the provisions of the Security of
    > Communications Act;
    > 5. Willfully and maliciously, without legal authority,
    > removes, injures or obstructs any telephone or telegraph
    > line, or any part or appurtenances or apparatus connected
    > thereto, or severs any wires thereof;
    > 6. Sends through the mail or sends or carries any
    > electronic, mechanical or other device with the intention of
    > rendering the device primarily useful for the purpose of the
    > illegal interception of wire, oral or electronic
    > communications in violation of the provisions of the
    > Security of Communications Act;
    > 7. Manufactures, assembles, possesses or sells any
    > electronic, mechanical or other device with the intention of
    > rendering the device primarily useful for the purpose of the
    > illegal interception of wire, oral or electronic
    > communications in violation of the provisions of the
    > Security of Communications Act; or
    > 8. Willfully uses any communication facility in
    > committing or in causing or facilitating the commission of
    > any act or acts constituting one or more of the felonies
    > enumerated in Section 176.7 of this title. Each separate use
    > of a communication facility to cause or facilitate such a
    > felony shall be a separate offense. Venue for any violation
    > of this section shall lie in the same county as venue for
    > the underlying felony enumerated in Section 176.7 of this
    > title.
    > ********************************
    > This OK statute was written before wiretapping but shows the
    > intent to prevent Eavesdropping.
    > 21 Okl. St. § 1202. Eavesdropping
    > Every person guilty of secretly loitering about any
    > building, with intent to overhear discourse therein, and to
    > repeat or publish the same to vex, annoy, or injure others,
    > is guilty of a misdemeanor.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Invasion of privacy?, 8/14/07, by roger.
  • Re: Invasion of privacy?, 8/14/07, by annon..
  • Re: (PS) Invasion of privacy?, 8/14/07, by annon..
  • Re: (PS) Invasion of privacy?, 8/14/07, by roger.
  • Re: (PS) Invasion of privacy?, 8/14/07, by annon..

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