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    Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints

    Posted by Sas on 12/05/11

    Mike and Nicole, you both are in desperate need of understanding a
    few things about low bass frequencies.

    Bass frequencies in the audible range for humans (20 Hertz [Hz] to
    about 250 Hz) can be produced by "surround sound" home
    entertainment systems. Such bass frequencies can easily penetrate
    walls, floors and ceilings, which can be very irritating to your
    close neighbors in places such as apartment buildings, condos and
    trailer parks.

    Far more troublesome are the subsonic or 'infrasound' frequencies
    — below the human audible range (lower than 20 Hz) — which also
    can be produced by some home sound systems. Such ultra-low
    vibrations can't be heard but nevertheless can be profoundly
    distressing — even at low volumes. For example, studies have shown
    that nervousness and negative emotions such as fear and anger may
    result from even brief exposure to infrasound.

    Studies show that infrasound can have harmful effects on humans,
    such as the disruption of normal functioning of the middle and
    inner ear, which may lead to nausea, imbalance, impaired
    equilibrium and disorientation. Chronic exposure to infrasound may
    lead to serious illness.

    Earplugs are useless, as infrasound and audible bass frequencies
    can penetrate not only buildings but also flesh and bone. Indeed,
    the only way to escape infrasound is to move far enough away from
    the source — like maybe a mile or two! :-)

    During the World War II era, Nazi propaganda engineers are said to
    have used infrasound to stir up anger in the large crowds that had
    gathered to listen to Hitler's speeches. Such techniques may have
    further fueled the anger and hatred that permeated Nazi Germany in
    those years.

    So, to all those who are suffering from inconsiderate neighbors
    playing their music, movies, TV and video games through their
    surround sound systems at all hours of the day and night, you are
    NOT being unreasonable to call the police and complain! And please
    educate your local law enforcement officers about the invasive and
    deleterious nature of bass and infrasonic frequencies.

    And to Mike, Nicole and others who play your powerful stereo
    systems in close proximity to your neighbors as if it's some sort
    of God-given right: You are living in a infrasound-induced
    fantasy-world. Snap out of it, buy and use a good pair of
    headphones instead, learn some etiquette and study up, for
    goodness sake!!

    Google search this article: " Infrasound - Lower the Boom! "

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 9/25/07, by Mike.
  • Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 5/20/08, by Rep.
  • Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 9/09/08, by Rick.
  • Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 2/10/10, by layadhwani.
  • Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 2/16/10, by Nicole.
  • Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 4/29/10, by Ryan M.
  • Re: Neighbor fabricating noise complaints, 12/05/11, by Sas.

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