Re: Essential mail not passed on
Posted by -- on 12/10/07
Your story is a great example of why people should have
competent legal advice when divorcing.
The verbal agreement is going to be a "he said-she said"
situation. In any event, even if the agreement were proved,
it would not release your husband from his obligation as a
co-signer of the loan. The loan company is not bound in any
way by an agreement between your husband and his ex. He
signed and he is responsible for the loan.
Try to see what it will take for him to get a release from
the loan company. As for suing the ex---sure throw some
more money away. A lawyer will gladly take your case on a
per hour arrangement with a $5K or so retainer up front.
On 12/10/07, Edel wrote:
> My Husband bought a boat 4 years ago with his ex-wife
> before their divorce - he co-signed. After the divorce
> had verbal agreement he pay for kids dental fees, she
> continue boat payments. We are now buying a house and have
> discovered that the boat has been repossessed and his
> credit is severly affected by it. We cannot buy a house as
> a result. She told him nothing about the repossession but
> must have received mail to his old address (where she
> lives)about this including a repossession notice. This
> would have been addressed to both of them? He got none of
> this information from there anything he can do
> about this....? We want to sue her for not passing on
> essential information to us...
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Essential mail not passed on, 12/10/07, by Edel.
- Re: Essential mail not passed on, 12/10/07, by Edel.
- Re: Essential mail not passed on, 12/10/07, by --.