Re: blog privacy
Posted by caged312 on 3/08/08
I understand the right to work law.
At the present time they have suspended this person stating
reason as slander.
Im sure if push comes to shove they will use the right to work
to fire if that's what they choose.
If the person who printed and made public the blog is not an
invited person but the parent of one that is a minor, is that
still considered illegal access and would it be admissable?
On 3/07/08, -- wrote:
> On 3/07/08, caged312 wrote:
>> if you have posted a derogatory blog but your site is
>> private by invitation only can the subject of your blog--
>> being your employer- suspend you or fire you if someone
>> prints this blog and makes it public?
> If you are an "at will employee" (no contract) you can be
> fired for any or no reason at all.
> If you have a contract that runs for a certain amount of
> time you can sue for breach of contract and see what happens
> in court. Disloyalty is probably grounds for termination
> under most employment contracts. Whether your employer will
> be able to introduce evidence of disloyalty by introducing
> evidence obtained from an "invited user only" website is a
> question for the court to decide. If the site required a
> password to enter and the employer committed fraud by
> obtaining an unauthorized password then you might have a
> case. If someone with legitimate access to your site (blog)
> gave a copy of your posting to your employer -- your
> probably not going to be able to keep it out of evidence.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- blog privacy, 3/07/08, by caged312.
- Re: blog privacy, 3/07/08, by --.
- Re: blog privacy, 3/08/08, by caged312.
- Re: blog privacy, 3/08/08, by --.