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    Re: mail tampering/check forgery

    Posted by -- on 3/30/08

    On 3/30/08, Aaron wrote:
    > My federal tax return check was accidentally mailed to
    > my glorious ex-wife's house. I had recently relocated
    > with the military and while the letter had my name on it,
    > it was, for whatever reason, sent to her address. She
    > opened the letter, and I believe forged my signature on
    > the check and deposited it into her account. What action
    > could I take against her in this matter?

    Follow the money. Report to the bank the check was drawn on
    that the check was forged and you want it back so you can
    cash it. A forger's signature is only good against the
    forger. (Only way they can recover the money they paid out
    is from the forger. Even if they do recover the money it is
    still a crime of forgery.) Therefore the bank the check is
    drawn must return the check to you and you can then present
    the check for payment.

    The bank it was drawn on or the person/business that cashed
    it will report the crime of forgery to authorities because
    they will be out the money paid to the forger. It may take
    awhile but you are not responsible for someone cashing a
    forged check. That check still belongs to you and it is
    still a valid check you can cash.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • mail tampering/check forgery, 3/30/08, by Aaron.
  • Re: mail tampering/check forgery, 3/30/08, by --.

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