Re: defamation of character
Posted by C on 7/29/08
Understandable this is a frustrating situation... Take a step back though... If your son is truly innocent don't worry. The neighbor will have to prove the above claims and it is unlikely (unless your neighborhood hires a good PR firm) that a college or employer will know about such claims unless he is convicted and they are put onto his record. Your chief is correct file a complaint and document everything the neighbor says and does and you may have a tort. GL C On 7/26/08, d wrote: > We have a neighbor that is know for blaming everyone > else's kids for things that happen in the neighborhood. > Recently he is slandering my 17 year old son's name by > accusing him of stealing and arson. I've spoken to our > chief of the fire dept. and he suggusted filing a > complaint. This could ruin my sons reputation even though > this man is known for spreading lies in the neighborhood. > What legal actions can I take?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- defamation of character, 7/26/08, by d.
- Re: defamation of character, 7/29/08, by C.
- Re: defamation of character, 7/30/08, by LUVENIA MORRIS.
- Re: defamation of character, 8/02/08, by Frankie.
- Re: defamation of character, 4/09/10, by LUVENIA MORRIS SMITH.
- Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris smith.
- Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
- Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
- Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luveniasmith-morris.
- Re: defamation of character, 5/03/10, by luvenia smith.