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    Post: ambulance drive cams

    Posted by jerry on 9/23/08

    My company recently installed drive cams in all of our
    ambulances. The company, located in central Pennsylvania,
    specifically insisted that the installation of the cameras
    was not Big Brother and that it would active only when an
    instance occured. They defined an instance as an accident,
    hard braking, or hard cornering. It has become obvious
    that the company is using the drivecam to monitor
    employees and seek disciplinary action against employees
    without the drive cam activating according to the
    companies definition. The drive cam also records audio. Is
    there a violation of privacy as the company is using the
    drivecams for purposes other than what was described to
    employees? Also, the interior camera can capture pictures
    of the patient compartment area with audio and patients
    are not made aware that they may be monitored. With the
    possibility of being in the ambulance for an entire 12
    hours shift and often working with the same partner, there
    is a good chance of private conversations taking place in
    the front compartment and it has become obvious that
    management may be monitoring these conversations. The
    front compartment of the ambulance may be considered a
    crew lounge as this may be the location you eat lunch and
    decompress as a crew may never have the opportunity to go
    anywhere else than the front compartment if they run alot
    of calls? I feel I have no privacy for an entire 12 hours
    as any cell phone call to my wife or private information
    with my partner may be unknowingly shared with management

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • ambulance drive cams, 9/23/08, by jerry.
  • Re: ambulance drive cams, 9/23/08, by --.

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