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    Post: Opening up other's mail

    Posted by Mel on 11/12/08

    My husbands 18yr old nephew has his our address on his
    drivers license and other things that he is having sent
    here. Before I was not interested in opening up his
    things. (My husbands nephew does not live with us he works
    out of town where he lives) My husbands nephew and I have
    hardly ever gotten along with each other. MAJOR Attitude.
    Anyways without discussing with me my husband took it upon
    himself and put his name on a truck, as to pose to getting
    his nephew to get his dad, mom, grandma or someone else,
    that his nephew now drives. Therefore basically if his
    nephew does not pay the $400 and some odd payment then we
    will need to pay for it due to it is in my husbands name.
    (So not very happy with that) So when my nephew recieves
    mail here and I believe it may be some type of mail
    pertaining to this truck I will open it. Now there is a
    HUGE conflict with his nephew not liking this. So I now
    have took it upon myself and have went and changed his
    address to his grannies, husbands mom which lives next
    door which his nephew comes and visits alot of weekends. I
    dont believe I was in the wrong for doing this. To me he
    is an 18yr old non responsible child that just graduated
    and has an ok job that hopefully he wont get fired or laid
    off from so he can make his truck payment and other
    payments he has accomplished. Course there is more to this
    story but this is just the just for now. :D

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Opening up other's mail, 11/12/08, by Mel.

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