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    Post: Personal information

    Posted by Ed on 10/31/09

    Our company had a health screening done at my work place by
    "Concentra" and the only way to receive a discount on our
    insurance was to participate and be in certain ranges by
    having certain height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol
    levels etc. and even though are results are suppose to be
    confidential the company has to know how we scored in these
    areas to obtain a discount on our insurance premium. I
    participated and let them take my blood, measurements,
    blood pressure etc. now they are stating I never did this
    and if i don't go to a clinic and have it done within one
    week I will be paying full price for my health insurance.
    this tells me they have lost all of my personal paper work
    that I filled out along with my blood work and i have
    plenty of witness that I participated along with a
    participation copy they gave me. come to find out their are
    a couple other employees that this happen to as well. this
    tells me all of our personal information and blood work is
    floating around out their because of someone's negligence
    and I don't know if we have any recourse about it---thanks
    for any info you can help me with.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Personal information, 10/31/09, by Ed.

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