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    Post: Blatant Invasion

    Posted by readytopounce on 4/23/04

    The people running my apartment building have been taking
    the liberty
    to just go into people's homes whenever they like. This is
    in Florida and
    the law states you have to give prior notice. Emergency
    repairs are permissible.
    Routine inspections also. No problem. However the lady
    taking care of the place
    started raising my suspicion a few months back when she
    talked about how they
    can enter your home when they want.

    I've been using a borrowed camcorder to catch images while
    I'm at work or to
    go to the grocery store, etc. Problem is, as I don't want
    to put anything on this
    computer it's getting expensive because I have been sending
    the full memory
    sticks out of state. It's been almost seven months and I
    feel I've got enough stuff
    (at least twice a week something is different in the apt.),
    however I've told the person
    I've been sending the sticks to not to tell me anything
    until the end June (when I plan
    on moving out).

    The more research I've been doing as far as the laws in
    this state, the more things I
    find they haven't been abiding by. Another thing: The
    landlord's younger brother moved
    into the building some time ago to "take care of the place"
    ( the woman was no longer
    involved in it, as so she said). However, I really can't
    think of what he does except go
    into your apt. when you're not home.

    On that note: We all know a judge woudn't blink an eye if
    you were in your home, maybe
    even taking a nap, when someone just opened your door and
    walked in you apartment,
    and you took your trusty nine iron and clubbed him a new
    face. Correct? Couldn't I just
    tell this chump he's nailed on film and kick his ass? Or
    should I just instruct my lawyer to
    nail them? Actually, I wouldn't do that on the property.
    Fifteen-twenty years ago however,
    I wouldn't have hesitated.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Blatant Invasion, 4/23/04, by readytopounce.

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