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    Post: defamation of character

    Posted by luvenia morris-smith on 4/20/10

    Date Posted: 14:41:33 06/15/08 Sun
    In reply to: Valerie Williams 's message, "Re: looking for
    Montel Williams Email address" on 17:57:22 02/14/08 Thu

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Luvenia Smith-MORRIS




    Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:31:42 PM
    Subject: affidavit luvenia.morris

    Josephine Morris And Leggett And King Funeral Home,

    JOSEPHINE MORRIS 601-428-4914

    1900 North 17th Street Bessermer Bessermer Alabama,

    SUBMITTED 2007 12:33:36 PM=0AModified: 9/10/2007 12:34:00

    Luvenia LONGBEACH, California 8-23-07 the court order on-
    23-07 to release

    the remains of decedent Alonzo D. Morris to Luvenia Morris
    his wife of 26 years

    In Department H 415 west Ocean bl Long beach ca 90806
    was made by

    Judge Joseph E Diloreto in dept h long beach ca 908006.
    3/3/2007 4:24:11 AM

    Leggett And King Funeral Home, Mr. John Leggett,Leggett
    King Funeral Home

    RIPED off,LUVENIA MORRIS AND refused to allow Alonzo D.
    Morris Wife, Luvenia Morris

    she was denied her rights to review her husband Alonzo D.
    Morris , dead body and his reains

    remains, Josephine Morris put never been married on his
    death certificate to collect insurance

    monies , Long Beach California 2. 3/3/2007 4:18:40 AM
    Valerie D. Dillard And Jane D. Morris

    forged birth certificate she ripoff the social secrity
    department receving aid for children alonzo

    could not have children she committed forgery and fraud
    Beach CA California 01-03-06.

    9/12/20064:03:36 PM Leggett And King Funeral Home
    Morris ripoff dead body of

    Alonzo Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife
    right to dispose of her husband dead body,

    Josephine Morris put on death certificate never married
    she knew he was married over married

    26 years.with the help of Leggett and king Motuary Long
    Beach California. 9/12/2006 3:08:39 PM

    Josephine Morris Leggett And King Funeral Home &Josephine
    Morris ripoff dead body of Alonzo

    Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife burring
    her husband Josephine Morris put on death

    certificate never married he was married 26 years.with the
    help of Leggett and king Mortuary

    Bessemer Alabama 9/12/2006 2:50:00 PM Monique White ripoff-
    credit card- wire -taping fraud

    stolen cash and money order fraud. Long Beach California.
    8/4/2006 12:50:00

    Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my
    husband remainswithout my permission and

    put never married on my husband death certificate I was
    married to him 26 years. She closed my

    business down took over my home and identity, forged my
    husband's death certificate.

    JUDGE ROY L. PAUL,reconsider and increase the award
    Bessemer Alabama

    8/4/2006 11:26:07 AM Valerie D/ Dillard And Jane D/ Morris
    ripoff me for my the social security,

    my husband could not have children, she put never married
    my husband death certificate along

    with Josephine Morris collecting benefits for a child and
    husband cannot have children,his social

    security number is 420-62-0090 Crime rule l(a (3) states
    Long Beach CA California 8/4/2006

    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine Morris ripped me
    ripoff she disposed of my husband

    remains without my pemission and put never married on my
    husband death certificate I was married

    to him 26 years Bessemer Alabama Nationwide 8/4/2006
    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine

    Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my husband
    remains without my permission and put never

    married on my husband death certificate I was married to
    26 years Bessemer Alabama

    nationwide Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she
    disposed of my husband remains without my

    permission and put never married on my husband death
    certificate I was married to him 26 years

    Josephine Morris ripoff disposed of my husband remains and
    put never married on my husband death

    certificate never married and he was married for over 26

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    Subject Author Date
    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    (sad) 14:42:52 06/15/08 Sun

    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    21:19:40 07/26/08 Sat


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    Choose Message Icon: None:-) Happy;-) Wink:-D Joy:}
    } Innocent☮ Peace>:) MischiefB-) Shades<3 Heart|O Yawn<:P
    Sick>:-( Angry:~( Sad? Question*!* AlertThumbs UpThumbs
    (!) Idea[Info] InfoOo. Talk [ View Emoticons ]

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    Forum timezone: GMT-8
    VF Version: 2.94, ConfDB:
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    VoyForums(tm) is a Free Service from Voyager Info-Systems.
    Copyright © 1998-2008 Voyager Info-Systems. All Rights

    Posts on this thread, including this one

    defamation of character, 7/26/08, by d.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/29/08, by C.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/30/08, by LUVENIA MORRIS.
    Re: defamation of character, 8/02/08, by Frankie.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/09/10, by LUVENIA MORRIS
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.

    Date Posted: 14:41:33 06/15/08 Sun
    In reply to: Valerie Williams 's message, "Re: looking for
    Montel Williams Email address" on 17:57:22 02/14/08 Thu

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Luvenia Smith-MORRIS




    Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:31:42 PM
    Subject: affidavit luvenia.morris

    Josephine Morris And Leggett And King Funeral Home,

    JOSEPHINE MORRIS 601-428-4914

    1900 North 17th Street Bessermer Bessermer Alabama,

    SUBMITTED 2007 12:33:36 PM=0AModified: 9/10/2007 12:34:00

    Luvenia LONGBEACH, California 8-23-07 the court order on-
    23-07 to release

    the remains of decedent Alonzo D. Morris to Luvenia Morris
    his wife of 26 years

    In Department H 415 west Ocean bl Long beach ca 90806
    was made by

    Judge Joseph E Diloreto in dept h long beach ca 908006.
    3/3/2007 4:24:11 AM

    Leggett And King Funeral Home, Mr. John Leggett,Leggett
    King Funeral Home

    RIPED off,LUVENIA MORRIS AND refused to allow Alonzo D.
    Morris Wie, Luvenia Morris

    she was denied her rights to review her husband Alonzo D.
    Morris , dead body and his reains

    remains, Josephine Morris put never been married on his
    death certificate to collect insurance

    monies , Long Beach California 2. 3/3/2007 4:18:40 AM
    Valerie D. Dillard And Jane D. Morris

    forged birth certificate she ripoff the social secrity
    department receving aid for children alonzo

    could not have children she committed forgery and fraud
    Beach CA California 01-03-06.

    9/12/20064:03:36 PM Leggett And King Funeral Home
    Morris ripoff dead body of

    Alonzo Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife
    right to dispose of her husband dead body,

    Josephine Morris put on death certificate never married
    she knew he was married over married

    26 years.with the help of Leggett and king Motuary Long
    Beach California. 9/12/2006 3:08:39 PM

    Josephine Morris Leggett And King Funeral Home &Josephine
    Morris ripoff dead body of Alonzo

    Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife burring
    her husband Josephine Morris put on death

    certificate never married he was married 26 years.with the
    help of Leggett and king Mortuary

    Bessemer Alabama 9/12/2006 2:50:00 PM Monique White ripoff-
    credit card- wire -taping fraud

    stolen cash and money order fraud. Long Beach California.
    8/4/2006 12:50:00

    Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my
    husband remainswithout my permission and

    put never married on my husband death certificate I was
    married to him 26 years. She closed my

    business down took over my home and identity, forged my
    husband's death certificate.

    JUDGE ROY L. PAUL,reconsider and increase the award
    Bessemer Alabama

    8/4/2006 11:26:07 AM Valerie D/ Dillard And Jane D/ Morris
    ripoff me for my the social security,

    my husband could not have children, she put never married
    my husband death certificate along

    with Josephine Morris collecting benefits for a child and
    husband cannot have children,his social

    security number is 420-62-0090 Crime rule l(a (3) states
    Long Beach CA California 8/4/2006

    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine Morris ripped me
    ripoff she disposed of my husband

    remains without my pemission and put never married on my
    husband death certificate I was married

    to him 26 years Bessemer Alabama Nationwide 8/4/2006
    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine

    Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my husband
    remains without my permission and put never

    married on my husband death certificate I was married to
    26 years Bessemer Alabama

    nationwide Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she
    disposed of my husband remains without my

    permission and put never married on my husband death
    certificate I was married to him 26 years

    Josephine Morris ripoff disposed of my husband remains and
    put never married on my husband death

    certificate never married and he was married for over 26

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    Message ]

    Subject Author Date
    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    (sad) 14:42:52 06/15/08 Sun

    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    21:19:40 07/26/08 Sat


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    * Type your message here:

    Choose Message Icon: None:-) Happy;-) Wink:-D Joy:}
    } Innocent☮ Peace>:) MischiefB-) Shades<3 Heart|O Yawn<:P
    Sick>:-( Angry:~( Sad? Question*!* AlertThumbs UpThumbs
    (!) Idea[Info] InfoOo. Talk [ View Emoticons ]

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    Forum timezone: GMT-8
    VF Version: 2.94, ConfDB:
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    VoyForums(tm) is a Free Service from Voyager Info-Systems.
    Copyright © 1998-2008 Voyager Info-Systems. All Rights

    Posts on this thread, including this one

    defamation of character, 7/26/08, by d.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/29/08, by C.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/30/08, by LUVENIA MORRIS.
    Re: defamation of character, 8/02/08, by Frankie.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/09/10, by LUVENIA MORRIS
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.

    On 7/26/08, d wrote:
    > We have a neighbor that is know for blaming everyone
    > else's kids for things that happen in the neighborhood.
    > Recently he is slandering my 17 year old son's name by
    > accusing him of stealing and arson. I've spoken to our
    > chief of the fire dept. and he suggusted filing a
    > complaint. This could ruin my sons reputation even
    > this man is known for spreading lies in the
    > What legal actions can I take?
    Friday, May 2, 2008 - New servers are in! Click-in for
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    : 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
    Subject: Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address

    Date Posted: 14:41:33 06/15/08 Sun
    In reply to: Valerie Williams 's message, "Re: looking for
    Montel Williams Email address" on 17:57:22 02/14/08 Thu

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Luvenia Smith-MORRIS




    Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:31:42 PM
    Subject: affidavit luvenia.morris

    Josephine Morris And Leggett And King Funeral Home,

    JOSEPHINE MORRIS 601-428-4914

    1900 North 17th Street Bessermer Bessermer Alabama,

    SUBMITTED 2007 12:33:36 PM=0AModified: 9/10/2007 12:34:00

    Luvenia LONGBEACH, California 8-23-07 the court order on-
    23-07 to release

    the remains of decedent Alonzo D. Morris to Luvenia Morris
    his wife of 26 years

    In Department H 415 west Ocean bl Long beach ca 90806
    was made by

    Judge Joseph E Diloreto in dept h long beach ca 908006.
    3/3/2007 4:24:11 AM

    Leggett And King Funeral Home, Mr. John Leggett,Leggett
    King Funeral Home

    RIPED off,LUVENIA MORRIS AND refused to allow Alonzo D.
    Morris Wie, Luvenia Morris

    she was denied her rights to review her husband Alonzo D.
    Morris , dead body and his reains

    remains, Josephine Morris put never been married on his
    death certificate to collect insurance

    monies , Long Beach California 2. 3/3/2007 4:18:40 AM
    Valerie D. Dillard And Jane D. Morris

    forged birth certificate she ripoff the social secrity
    department receving aid for children alonzo

    could not have children she committed forgery and fraud
    Beach CA California 01-03-06.

    9/12/20064:03:36 PM Leggett And King Funeral Home
    Morris ripoff dead body of

    Alonzo Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife
    right to dispose of her husband dead body,

    Josephine Morris put on death certificate never married
    she knew he was married over married

    26 years.with the help of Leggett and king Motuary Long
    Beach California. 9/12/2006 3:08:39 PM

    Josephine Morris Leggett And King Funeral Home &Josephine
    Morris ripoff dead body of Alonzo

    Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife burring
    her husband Josephine Morris put on death

    certificate never married he was married 26 years.with the
    help of Leggett and king Mortuary

    Bessemer Alabama 9/12/2006 2:50:00 PM Monique White ripoff-
    credit card- wire -taping fraud

    stolen cash and money order fraud. Long Beach California.
    8/4/2006 12:50:00

    Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my
    husband remainswithout my permission and

    put never married on my husband death certificate I was
    married to him 26 years. She closed my

    business down took over my home and identity, forged my
    husband's death certificate.

    JUDGE ROY L. PAUL,reconsider and increase the award
    Bessemer Alabama

    8/4/2006 11:26:07 AM Valerie D/ Dillard And Jane D/ Morris
    ripoff me for my the social security,

    my husband could not have children, she put never married
    my husband death certificate along

    with Josephine Morris collecting benefits for a child and
    husband cannot have children,his social

    security number is 420-62-0090 Crime rule l(a (3) states
    Long Beach CA California 8/4/2006

    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine Morris ripped me
    ripoff she disposed of my husband

    remains without my pemission and put never married on my
    husband death certificate I was married

    to him 26 years Bessemer Alabama Nationwide 8/4/2006
    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine

    Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my husband
    remains without my permission and put never

    married on my husband death certificate I was married to
    26 years Bessemer Alabama

    nationwide Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she
    disposed of my husband remains without my

    permission and put never married on my husband death
    certificate I was married to him 26 years

    Josephine Morris ripoff disposed of my husband remains and
    put never married on my husband death

    certificate never married and he was married for over 26

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    [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous
    Message ]

    Subject Author Date
    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    (sad) 14:42:52 06/15/08 Sun

    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    21:19:40 07/26/08 Sat


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    Examples: (happy, sad, The Joyful, etc.) help)

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    * Type your message here:

    Choose Message Icon: None:-) Happy;-) Wink:-D Joy:}
    } Innocent☮ Peace>:) MischiefB-) Shades<3 Heart|O Yawn<:P
    Sick>:-( Angry:~( Sad? Question*!* AlertThumbs UpThumbs
    (!) Idea[Info] InfoOo. Talk [ View Emoticons ]

    Notice: Copies of your message may remain on this and
    systems on internet. Please be respectful.

    Forum timezone: GMT-8
    VF Version: 2.94, ConfDB:
    Before posting please read our privacy policy.
    VoyForums(tm) is a Free Service from Voyager Info-Systems.
    Copyright © 1998-2008 Voyager Info-Systems. All Rights

    Posts on this thread, including this one

    defamation of character, 7/26/08, by d.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/29/08, by C.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/30/08, by LUVENIA MORRIS.
    Re: defamation of character, 8/02/08, by Frankie.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/09/10, by LUVENIA MORRIS
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luveniasmith-

    On 7/26/08, d wrote:
    > We have a neighbor that is know for blaming everyone
    > else's kids for things that happen in the neighborhood.
    > Recently he is slandering my 17 year old son's name by
    > accusing him of stealing and arson. I've spoken to our
    > chief of the fire dept. and he suggusted filing a
    > complaint. This could ruin my sons reputation even
    > this man is known for spreading lies in the
    > What legal actions can I take?
    Friday, May 2, 2008 - New servers are in! Click-in for
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    : 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
    Subject: Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address

    Date Posted: 14:41:33 06/15/08 Sun
    In reply to: Valerie Williams 's message, "Re: looking for
    Montel Williams Email address" on 17:57:22 02/14/08 Thu

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Luvenia Smith-MORRIS




    Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:31:42 PM
    Subject: affidavit luvenia.morris

    Josephine Morris And Leggett And King Funeral Home,

    JOSEPHINE MORRIS 601-428-4914

    1900 North 17th Street Bessermer Bessermer Alabama,

    SUBMITTED 2007 12:33:36 PM=0AModified: 9/10/2007 12:34:00

    Luvenia LONGBEACH, California 8-23-07 the court order on-
    23-07 to release

    the remains of decedent Alonzo D. Morris to Luvenia Morris
    his wife of 26 years

    In Department H 415 west Ocean bl Long beach ca 90806
    was made by

    Judge Joseph E Diloreto in dept h long beach ca 908006.
    3/3/2007 4:24:11 AM

    Leggett And King Funeral Home, Mr. John Leggett,Leggett
    King Funeral Home

    RIPED off,LUVENIA MORRIS AND refused to allow Alonzo D.
    Morris Wie, Luvenia Morris

    she was denied her rights to review her husband Alonzo D.
    Morris , dead body and his reains

    remains, Josephine Morris put never been married on his
    death certificate to collect insurance

    monies , Long Beach California 2. 3/3/2007 4:18:40 AM
    Valerie D. Dillard And Jane D. Morris

    forged birth certificate she ripoff the social secrity
    department receving aid for children alonzo

    could not have children she committed forgery and fraud
    Beach CA California 01-03-06.

    9/12/20064:03:36 PM Leggett And King Funeral Home
    Morris ripoff dead body of

    Alonzo Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife
    right to dispose of her husband dead body,

    Josephine Morris put on death certificate never married
    she knew he was married over married

    26 years.with the help of Leggett and king Motuary Long
    Beach California. 9/12/2006 3:08:39 PM

    Josephine Morris Leggett And King Funeral Home &Josephine
    Morris ripoff dead body of Alonzo

    Morris, she committed fraud, interfering with wife burring
    her husband Josephine Morris put on death

    certificate never married he was married 26 years.with the
    help of Leggett and king Mortuary

    Bessemer Alabama 9/12/2006 2:50:00 PM Monique White ripoff-
    credit card- wire -taping fraud

    stolen cash and money order fraud. Long Beach California.
    8/4/2006 12:50:00

    Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my
    husband remainswithout my permission and

    put never married on my husband death certificate I was
    married to him 26 years. She closed my

    business down took over my home and identity, forged my
    husband's death certificate.

    JUDGE ROY L. PAUL,reconsider and increase the award
    Bessemer Alabama

    8/4/2006 11:26:07 AM Valerie D/ Dillard And Jane D/ Morris
    ripoff me for my the social security,

    my husband could not have children, she put never married
    my husband death certificate along

    with Josephine Morris collecting benefits for a child and
    husband cannot have children,his social

    security number is 420-62-0090 Crime rule l(a (3) states
    Long Beach CA California 8/4/2006

    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine Morris ripped me
    ripoff she disposed of my husband

    remains without my pemission and put never married on my
    husband death certificate I was married

    to him 26 years Bessemer Alabama Nationwide 8/4/2006
    11:12:00 AM Josephine Morris Josephine

    Morris ripped me off ripoff she disposed of my husband
    remains without my permission and put never

    married on my husband death certificate I was married to
    26 years Bessemer Alabama

    nationwide Josephine Morris ripped me off ripoff she
    disposed of my husband remains without my

    permission and put never married on my husband death
    certificate I was married to him 26 years

    Josephine Morris ripoff disposed of my husband remains and
    put never married on my husband death

    certificate never married and he was married for over 26

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    [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous
    Message ]

    Subject Author Date
    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    (sad) 14:42:52 06/15/08 Sun

    Re: looking for Montel Williams Email address LUVENIA
    21:19:40 07/26/08 Sat


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    * Type your message here:

    Choose Message Icon: None:-) Happy;-) Wink:-D Joy:}
    } Innocent☮ Peace>:) MischiefB-) Shades<3 Heart|O Yawn<:P
    Sick>:-( Angry:~( Sad? Question*!* AlertThumbs UpThumbs
    (!) Idea[Info] InfoOo. Talk [ View Emoticons ]

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    VF Version: 2.94, ConfDB:
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    VoyForums(tm) is a Free Service from Voyager Info-Systems.
    Copyright © 1998-2008 Voyager Info-Systems. All Rights

    Posts on this thread, including this one

    defamation of character, 7/26/08, by d.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/29/08, by C.
    Re: defamation of character, 7/30/08, by LUVENIA MORRIS.
    Re: defamation of character, 8/02/08, by Frankie.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/09/10, by LUVENIA MORRIS
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris.
    Re: defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luveniasmith-

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • defamation of character, 4/20/10, by luvenia morris-smith.

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