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    Post: Harrassing neighbor

    Posted by Nanci Chadwick on 2/21/11

    Good afternoon my mother, Nanci Chadwick has been dealing
    with an issue she has had long going with her neighbor as
    well as Hillsborough county court system in Florida. My
    mother is currently on probation for something that is not
    her fault. My mother has been put through heck and back by
    the doings of a neighbor and his wife that for some reason
    keep winning the battle. I know for a fact that he stalks
    her, he is a dangerous man. There is so much to this case
    that it is complicated to know where to begin with it. I
    live in California but have knowledge of the events and the
    health condition of my mother due to the stress this man
    and his wife have caused to her. The court system there has
    not been fair in their decisions and I truly find it
    flabbergasting to even believe this man has gotten away
    with what he has for so many years and yet my mom is the
    bad person here. I don't know where to go for her help but
    I truly believe this is a big case that is going to take
    some elbow grease or yet just someone to start from the
    beginning of the case to review the documentations to see
    the man has perjured himself several times, as well as his
    wife. The amazing part of it all is my mother is a
    wonderful woman, has never been in trouble with the law
    until this man. This man has a criminal record for battery
    and he has the story so turned around, my mother was even
    at one time Baker Acted by the state a year ago because of
    these events and was still charged as being sane by the
    state. These people video her every move not only on her
    property, but while pumping gas in her car at the gas
    station, her horse was poisoned, I could go on and on.
    But yet, this man and woman have pulled it off and turned
    this amazing turn of events on my mother. .

    I do not understand how someone that has photo shopped
    pictures, lied under oath and had several guns, and videos
    removed from his house can be the nice guy here. My mother
    is on probation because of this man and when she went up to
    have her case reviewed by the court so that she can have it
    terminated the man was sitting in the courtroom as well.
    He actually even went up on the bench and told the judge
    that my mother was in violation of probation many times so
    needless to say that the judge put it on hold until further
    review with her probation officer. My mothers probation
    officer has written a letter with the help of his authority
    figure to stress to the judge that she should not be on
    probation as well as they mentioned in the letter how many
    times the neighbor has been into the probation office to
    show them videos of my mom. The probation officer found
    this extremely odd because he has been in around 30+ times
    to show them something or another. This man has made
    several complaints to numerous code enforcement, fire
    departments, as well as police regarding my mother. My mom
    was awaken one morning by 5 police cars coming into her
    home searching for drugs. My mother is in no way a drug
    dealer and the accusations this man has made are so extreme
    that it is frustrating that the system has not figured it
    out. This man claimed that my mother had over 800 cars up
    and down her driveway in one month, this is pure
    craziness. I lived about 20 minutes from my mom until
    March of 2009 when I moved away and I can tell you nobody
    goes over there, we have family that stops in and out to
    check on my mom and she has a few friends but in no way
    possible has 800 cars traveled that drive way in one month,
    for that case one year.

    My mother’s health is getting worse due to the stress of
    these events. She has emptied her savings account to pay
    for the legal help she has received thus far and to no
    avail nothing. If you would please consider looking at her
    story you have no idea what it would mean to us. This man
    and woman have been torturing my mother since my father
    passed away 5 years ago. This would make for a big case in
    the end because Hillsborough County has several faults in
    this as well. For some reason they have taken the
    neighbors side and aided in covering up and accepting
    documents that have been altered. My mother currently has a
    restraining order issued on her (she had one on him at one
    time and they allowed for it to be released, this worries
    me because of the several guns the man holds in his
    possession, it literally to police all day to remove all of
    his guns from his home) and can not go within 75 feet of
    her fence line, her dogs are not allowed to run free in her
    fully fenced yard of 3 and a half acres. My mom by law can
    not even feed her birds or horses without being in
    violation. There is just so much too this. We are at a
    point where we don’t know what to do, who to contact If
    someone would just look through and truly read the
    documents they would see it. I do appreciate anything you
    can do, if there is someone you could refer us to if it is
    something you would prefer not to tackle please do. I have
    already lost my father and this man is going to cause me to
    lose my mother and it is breaking my heart that someone can
    not help us.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Harrassing neighbor, 2/21/11, by Nanci Chadwick.

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