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    Post: mail tampering

    Posted by Tracy on 7/12/11

    I am helping a friend with a divorce case where the spouse
    has been stealing mail and went as far as changing the mail
    to her address twice. One thing I think that will help him
    is that she had attached some of the stolen mail to her
    disclosure thus proving she had his mail. She has created
    problems that have effected his ability to be employed in
    his customary line of work for almost 2 years due to mail
    tampering and him not receiving important documents. Is
    there anything that can be requested at trail to compensate
    for his losses due to her intercepting his mail? She is also
    trying to get alimony when he has lost almost 200,000.00 in
    wages and is just now able to work again.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • mail tampering, 7/12/11, by Tracy.

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