Post: neighbor harrasment

Posted by Stephanie on 9/19/11
My son plays drums and we live on a block where the houses are pretty close, its basically a little better than appartment living. When my sonplays it can be heard from outside. We have done some sound proofing, and we have talked to the neighbors right around us. We have a verbal agreement to not practice after 8pm. I have a neighbor who wont talk to me, and she calls the cops every time he plays. He will only pracitce for about 20 min at a time, and she doesnt feel she has to communicate with me about this. I have asked the association for help and they wont get involved, I have asked the neighbor if she would just let us have a schedule so my son can practice when she is at work. She is the kind of neighbor though that complains about everything.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- neighbor harrasment, 9/19/11, by Stephanie.