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    Post: Police Harassment

    Posted by Jennifer on 6/18/12

    Every time I call the police when a crime has been committed
    to me such as abuse, house robbed, debit card stolen and
    used, etc. the police may take a report but the detectives
    do not follow through. When I call after a few months to
    follow up and leave a message for them to call me back, the
    calls are never returned. I call repeatedly and then I am
    told to stop harassing them or I will be charged with
    harassment of the police. What do I do? I cannot get a
    straight answer when I am just following up on the status in
    a polite way. I leave messages with the Captain and he
    refuses to call back. I feel blackballed by the police and
    do not feel protected at all and they share the same
    computers. I have tried to put a complaint in with internal
    affairs and they refuse to take a complaint. When I
    contacted the Commissioner, the secretary refuses to put the
    call through or take a complaint. What do I do? I cannot
    afford an attorney and no free attorney will take this case.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Police Harassment, 6/18/12, by Jennifer.

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