Post: Neighbour harassment

Posted by Roberta Yaffa on 7/21/13
My neighbor is , I believe harassing me by constantly giving obscene gesture while I drivevbybin my own neighborhood or on open public roads. She also shouts out "you are a bit--"when I pass by her in public. She has called my landscaper to stop work on my property. She called my tree service and had her name put o.n my customer profile without my knowledge to alert her to service calls. She has cancelled my service cals and has prevented service on my property by intercepting the service provider without my knowledge. She executes the verbal and obscene gestures in front of her 3 year old Adopted daughter. The harassment is escalating. She is now screaming at me in public. What are my options? Roberta Yaffa
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Neighbour harassment, 7/21/13, by Roberta Yaffa.