Post: video typing without their permission

Posted by Sal Zanco on 8/11/14
I am a 25 year vet, retire New Orleans Police Officer. My brother is in a nursing home, and his daughters have set up a surveillance camera in his room (A Clock)They Video & Audio tape all of my visits with him, They do not know I know they are taping my visits, but I know a surveillance camera when I see one. I'm not sure why they would do this. I visit my brother every day for hours. He is not a mental case, but can't walk due to a stoke, put I know my brother well and know he doesn't know he is being watched. One of his daughters husband in a FBI agent and I am also sure he knows about their actions. What should I do about this.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- video typing without their permission, 8/11/14, by Sal Zanco.