Re: Employer opening mail
Posted by Matthew on 3/25/05
On 2/16/05, Carol wrote:
> On 2/09/05, sharwinston wrote:
>> No!
>> Your employer can open any mail addressed to you if it comes to your
>> employer's place of business -- no matter whose name is on it.
>> You have no right to have your personal mail received at your place of
>> employment.
>> My$0.02: I can't imagine why you would have your personal mail come to
>> your place of business anyway. Get a post office box. The cost is
>> minimal.
>> On 2/01/05, Carol wrote:
>>> And is it against the law for an employer to open mail that is
>>> addressed by name to an employee?
> Thank you for your response. I wasn't, however, talking about PERSONAL
> mail. I was talking about work mail that's addressed specifically to me.
This is strange. My current employer opens all mail sent to our place of
business, regardless of whom it is addressed to, or who it is from. I
find this practice highly unusual since my former employer (a massive oil
corporation) made a big to-do about managers NOT opening ANY mail that was
addressed to one of their employees. This policy was stricly enforced, no
matter how 'junkie' the piece of mail may appear to be. I thought that it
was a postal felony to open any piece of mail addressed to a specific
individual. I'm interested in learning more about this. THANX