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    Re: drug test - private employer?

    Posted by massvocals on 1/02/08

    On 1/03/05, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    > You are wrong about the water flushes. Some labs detect that
    > through low creatin and the absence or low levels of other
    > chemicals that should be present in your urine. I know a few
    > probation officer who get kind of ticked off when that happens.
    > To answer your law firm questions, as a solo practioner, I run
    > my firm. So I don't make me take a drug test, ramdomly or for
    > good cause. I suppose I could. But I sure would be upset with
    > me if I did. I might even quit, resign, shut down the office
    > and lay me off. That would teach me a fat lesson about employee
    > rights.
    > On 1/03/05, CanAm1 wrote:
    >> On 1/03/05, no case wrote:
    >>> On 1/03/05, MWJSOne wrote:
    >>>> I had to submit to a drug test 12/14 (due to work related
    >>>> traffic accident) a week later 12/23 I am imformed that I
    >>>> must take another drug test that I did willingly.Tuesday
    >>>> 12/28 at the end of the day I am told that my 1st test
    >>>> came back deluted and that I must submit to another drug
    >>>> test before I leave that afternoon.I was able to put it
    >>>> off until 1/5/05 at this time I will have to take another
    >>>> drug test.The best I understand it that a Medical reviewer
    >>>> offericer must contact me before he informs the company of
    >>>> the results Can I go after the company and the medical
    >>>> review drug testing company for violation of my rights ???
    >>> You don't have a right of privacy against a private employer,
    >>> it only extends to the government, and perhaps into the area
    >>> of medical conditions (Americans with Disabilities Act etc.).
    >>> The best you can hope for is it violates the term of your
    >>> employment contract.
    >>> Sounds to me like you're expecting them to find something.
    >>> How does one's urine get diluted? I suspect more here than
    >>> meets the eye....
    >> Thanks for the over view
    >> Diluted try the daily recomended 8 to 10 glasses of water as
    >> for hiding clean and sober 12 years
    >> One has to take in to account of the drug testing horror
    >> storys over the counter drugs eating the wrong food
    >> let alone testing for illnesses of the hi/lo blood sugar type
    >> I don`t think you have ever been subject to a urine test let
    >> alone 4 to 10 times a year.
    >> Drug Testing for Attorneys
    >> Would your law firm make you take a urine test if you lost a
    >> big case?
    >> Would you submit to a urine test on the side of the road?
    >> Would your law firm make you take a random drug test?
    >> Would you submit to a urine test after you where in a accident
    >> not even your fault??
    >> Would you submit to a drug test if you where having personal
    >> hardships and due to the stress you where not acting yourself?
    >> And would you want a drug test done knowing full well that
    >> most big companys go the cheepest route and the track record
    >> for these test put alot of good people out of jobs and they
    >> have never taken drugs?there are alot of poor labs out there.
    >> Should the same rules I am subject to,Shouldn`t you have the
    >> same treatment done to you ?
    >> Your right more here than meets the eye

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • 3 rd drug test in 3 weeks, 1/03/05, by MWJSOne .
  • Re: drug test - private employer?, 1/03/05, by no case.
  • Re: drug test - private employer?, 1/03/05, by CanAm1.
  • Re: drug test - private employer?, 1/03/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: drug test - private employer?, 1/02/08, by massvocals .
  • Re: drug test - private employer?, 1/02/08, by massvocals .
  • Re: drug test - private employer?, 1/02/08, by --.

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