Re: Judge frauded signature of Petitioner:DD
Posted by DD on 7/06/05
Oh my goodness,I think the questions that would make one go postal on here
are the continuos "how do I get out of the house at 17" and the "dead beat
dads trying to get of paying child support".
My question was touched on by a few respondents when orginally submitted, I
was supposed to keep updates yet I have not re-asked the question. It is
still pending in the courts.
Update however is I continue to stay ahead of the "GAME" played in the
court room.
A visting judge who supposidly sat on the Appeals Court for 9 years even
screwed up along with the county atty. His comments on record were "just
pay the court cost make peace with Judge Stovall so you can get your other
motions heard" with that and further mistakes once again not following
procedures cost them the win on my motion for free appeal. My point in the
case is why should I have to pay to have documents corrected when the Judge
and her staff created the problem in the first place?
Along with that, the original Judge has been recused and they have had to
call in a Judge on special assignment to hear any motions while case is
pending appeal.
This judge is one that is dotting every I and crossing every T, doesn't
want her but in a crack and is not giving the Respondent any room for
excuses. She actually followed the law and issued capias for non-appearance
of Respondent and witness regarding hearing for enforcement pending appeal.
I was simply floored that she actually did her job didn't bat an eye or try
to brush me aside because I am pro-se. Of course we agree on one thing it
would be much easier if I could pay for an attorney, but that is out of the
question, can't afford it. Legal Aid won't touch it because "it's not
their appeal".
The funniest thing though, during the capias/show cause hearing, the
Respondent says to the judge "Your Honor, my wife hasn't signed the final
decree can you get her to sign it today". Oh my god, the respondent just
proved my case by his verbal statement alone that I didn't sign the very
decree I am appealing based on first and formost my Frauded/Forged
signature. I am still laughing over that, as it will be probably the only
true nail in the coffin I need submitt to win my appeal.
The Court Reporter received a letter with notice to respond to motion
notice of original appeal, as she was a month over due on submitting
records and had made no effort to request extension. When she called me
she said " I thought it had all been settled" and did she still need to
send the records after having received the notice from the Appeals
Court. DUH!!! can she read English? The Appeals Court is telling
Furthermore, the investigation with the Judicial Conduct Commission is
still on going with regard to Judicial misconduct and fraud by an officer
of the court.
Again, advise and opionions are appreciated... have a great week!
On 7/06/05, dd wrote:
> Hey v,
> Speaking of postal......sometimes I just really, really understand.
> On 5/05/05, v wrote:
>> To all the letter carriers,
>> somone could go postal. Yes this
>> was asked a few weks ago on the
>> legal questions chat board. I
>> believe it was answerd. Why is it
>> repeating it self? Hi! little
>> dd.! i did not recognize you offf
>> the tox board. I'm traveling light
>> i only carry one letter with me.
>> On 5/04/05, 00 wrote:
>>> The poster's question was
>> answered some weeks back on
>> another thread
>>> on a different board on here.
>> They had posted multiple times.
>>> On 5/04/05, Who Cares wrote:
>>>> Dear dd's,ee's,ff's,gg's,oo's
>>>> Who CARES if you are dd,DD,OO,GG
>>>> This person has a serious
>> concern, question, situation. So
>> stop
>>>> being brainless with dd, DD,
>> oo,GG. Who cares.
>>>> On 5/03/05, DD wrote:
>>>>> unless you have identified
>> yourself I suppose the confusion
>> would
>>>>> come if we ask the same exact
>> question somehow and they thought
>>>>> we were repeating ourselves.
>>>>> On 5/03/05, 00 wrote:
>>>>>> And of course, neither one of
>> you should be confused with me--
>>>>>> 00.
>>>>>> On 5/03/05, dd wrote:
>>>>>>> DD,
>>>>>>> Just want to make sure that
>> regular posters on the board
>>>>>>> don't confuse you with me.
>> I post primarily on toxboard but
>>>>>>> some of those who cruise the
>> entire selection may confuse
>>>>>>> your initials w/ mine.
>>>>>>> dd
>>>>>>> On 3/24/05, DD wrote:
>>>>>>>> I am a victim of Fraud and
>> Forgery committed by a District
>>>>>>>> Court Judge. Have been told
>> by some that this Judge using a
>>>>>>>> page that contained my
>> signature from a previous document
>>>>>>>> to finalize a new document
>> she prepared and signed should
>>>>>>>> just be overlooked because
>> after all I have several things
>>>>>>>> in my favor in the final
>> order. Now I ask you in the future
>>>>>>>> who will be acused of fraud
>> if I don't dispute the use of
>>>>>>>> my signature? Of course it
>> will be me because I neither
>>>>>>>> prepared, agreed to or
>> signed the document that she ruled
>>>>>>>> on. I can't even express
>> the agrivation I feel about this
>>>>>>>> situation. The fact that my
>> signature is forged makes the
>>>>>>>> entire judgment void and I
>> have to start with square one,
>>>>>>>> of course the District
>> Judge isn't admitting to anything
>>>>>>>> being wrong so I now in the
>> Appeals Court seeking relief.
>>>>>>>> Having to stay married to
>> an abuser and dead beat dad
>>>>>>>> because the Court committed
>> a crime is just beyond words.
>>>>>>>> Should I file criminal
>> charges as well as mental and
>>>>>>>> emotional anquish caused by
>> this Judges wrong doing?